Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bluetooth EMF Safety

Health Effects, Risks & Dangers of Bluetooth Radiation
Are Bluetooth Headsets Dangerous?

All Bluetooth Headsets and Technologies emit wireless microwave radiation.
Microwave frequencies have a short wavelength and a rapid rate of oscillation. This is what enables them to travel long distances carrying information without needing to be contained in a wire.
The short wavelength and rapid oscillation of microwave frequencies also make them adept at being able to penetrate living tissue down to a cellular level.
This characteristic is what led Soviet Russia in the 1950's to utilize microwave frequencies for weapons. By beaming microwave radiation at the US Embassy in Russia, the Soviets were able to induce leukemia in several US ambassadors.

Microwave Radiation Exposure Dangers from Bluetooth

Using any type of wireless technology is putting yourself in a field of microwave radiation. The effects of long term microwave radiation exposure upon the body have been documented in countless studies for decades.
Long-term exposure to microwave radiation has been linked to:
  • cancer
  • leukemia
  • brain tumors
  • alzheimers
  • autism
  • ADD
  • miscarriages
  • birth defects
  • autoimmune illnesses
  • multiple sclerosis
  • hair loss
  • suicide
Microwave radiation has been shown to affect biological changes within the body. These biological changes happen on a cellular level and their effects can be passed on to offspring via genetic damage (DNA, RNA).
Using a Bluetooth Headset exposes the brain, the ears and the eyes to a strong field of microwave radiation.
Studies have linked Bluetooth Headset use to:
  • blindness
  • deafness
  • brain tumors
  • neck pain
  • skin rashes
  • headaches

Bluetooth Wireless Radiation vs Cell Phone Radiation

Bluetooth Technology uses the same microwave radiation to transmit data as cell phones do to receive calls. The only difference is the range. A cell phone antenna picks up signals from cell phone towers and satellites, while a Bluetooth headset/technologies is receiving radiations from a few feet away.

Bluetooth Radiation Hazards and Safety Testing

Bluetooth radiation has been even less tested than cell phone radiation. The lack of any formal studies have enabled the 'experts' to claim that Bluetooth radiation is safe. This claim is based not on research proving Bluetooth radiation safe, but rather on the lack of any research proving it to be unsafe. This type of hollow safety claim is a technique used to by companies to buy time for new technology because time equals money.

What the FDA Says About Bluetooth Technology

The FDA has approved Bluetooth Technology for use by consumers without any regulations or premarket testing, which is exactly how cell phones were approved. However, it seems that as of 2006 the FDA felt a need to revisit its approval on cell phones in lieu of a recent study conducted by the Swedish National Institute for Working LIfe that showed cell phone users have a 240% greater risk of developing brain tumors on the same side of the head where they use their phone. Bluetooth headsets function in the same radiowave frequency as cell phones.
Bluetooth Technologies (wireless keyboards, printers, etc.) emit the same microwave radiation as the headsets and pose similar health problems.

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