Thursday, March 3, 2011

Eye sight deterioration, EMFs and WiMax

Dr. Light responds to Jon Reilly’s questions about EMFs and his eyesight deterioration:
My wife found your blog and we just got our Rejuvenizers FedEx’d a couple of days ago. We both started feeling more “with it” within a day or so of wearing them.
I just had my eyes checked out and have been wearing a new contact scrpt for a month. I already am having problems seeing again. I’m an older guy, in my late 40s and until we moved to Chicago, I had the same presecription for 15 years. Gotta ask you if my eyesight degradation is related to this wimax thing.
Jon and Mary Ellen Reilly
Dear Jon,
So glad to hear you guys have gotten Rejuvenizers.  They will be your “new best friends” for many years to come!  Let’s talk about the eyes, and how these negative frequencies are affecting them and your need to get stronger prescriptions from your eye doctor.
Years ago, I used to joke and say that being an opthamologist (eye doctor) was probably the most lucrative career in our modern times, as it has been clear to me for a long time that our eyes are taking a pounding in our high-tech world.  Most people use a computer at work and at home.  Staring at the computer screen is no easy task, as we sitting in the strong electromagnetic field of the computer, staring at a light that is subtly interfering with the functioning of our pineal and pituitary glands over time.  Computers, as are the new HDTV screens, are digital, and it is much harder for the eyes to deal with digital frequencies than with analog frequencies.
The analog wave is smooth and curved, and when it hits the eyes and brain, we are able to see and interpret it easily.  The digital frequency is jagged and squared off, there is nothing smooth about it. When the digital frequency hits the eyes and brain, it actually disrupts our normal way of interpreting what we see, and causes a sort of “dis-integration” of the brain.  So, staring at a computer, and now the HDTV screen, our eyes and brain are working overtime to try and make meaning of the words and images we are viewing.  First we may feel eyestrain or fatigue.  Then we may experience a deterioration of our vision and ability to focus.
Let’s look at how WiMax is entering into the mix.  We know that WiMax broadcasts an entire area with very powerful frequencies.  We also know that this is mixing with all the other thousands of frequencies already bombarding us, and affecting us even more deeply.  Let’s see how this new mix of detrimental energies is affecting the eyes.  (I do “research” as questions come in… I don’t necessarily have the answers prior to that time.)
Question:  Are the eyes under some additional kind of strain for those who are living in range of the WiMax frequencies?
Answer:  The eyes are being adversely affected by the WiMax frequencies 35-40% more, beyond what was happening to them prior to WiMax being installed.  This is because of the hazardous combination of frequencies that is now producing a sort of ionizing radiation, causing an actual physical alteration of all living tissue exposed to the radiation.  All parts of the eyes, muscles, ligaments, cells, tissue, etc. are being weakened tremendously by this new radiation that WiMax is creating, and this can result in a deterioration of the healthy functioning of the visual system.
It is also coming to me that I need to upgrade the Rejuvenizers big time to both protect the eyes, and do a special kind of healing and repairing to the eyes that I never knew about prior to this phenomenon occurring.  What a crazy world we live in!

EMFs and Weight Gain

There are several things going on that can cause spontaneous weight gain, that are outside the realm of the food you ingest.  As I have said before, Chicago is one of the most “wired” cities in the whole U.S.  The city administration has really gone wild, inviting in all the latest “high-tech” communications systems: from cameras on street corners, to wireless internet broadcasts throughout the city, to installing Homeland Security satellite systems, and now WiMax, broadcasting its detrimental frequencies throughout the entire city.  What happens, at a real fundamental level, is that human beings living in such an electronic soup of frequencies don’t feel safe.
Although we don’t consciously feel the frequencies hitting us, some part of us is aware, and we feel bad.  This constant bombardment of frequencies makes us feel irritable and stressed “at best”, and victimized and ill, at worst.  When we feel under attack by these frequencies (again this feeling of being “under attack” happens unconsciously, within us), we may try to “protect” ourselves from it.
One way people protect themselves is by putting on weight.  This is our unconscious response to try and create greater distance between us and the detrimental frequencies that are hitting us.  It is our “best shot” at helping us to survive, although, ultimately, it doesn’t work.
Another thing that can make us gain weight living in such a high-tech environment like Chicago, is another deep, unconscious response to being hit by all the negative frequencies.  They can make us feel like we’re dying, at a very deep level.  There is some part of us that can feel our life force being sucked out of us by the constant bombardments to our energy field and body.  And, the more this happens, the more it triggers old subconscious parts of us that actually want to die.  So, we start “creating death” in our physical body.
When a person is tortured or damaged on an ongoing basis, it is totally understandable that they could start “longing for death” in an attempt to escape an unhappy life.  Again, this may be taking place only in the subconscious and not in the person’s conscious mind.  But it is this longing for death at a deep level that makes the body start to go haywire.
Our body is the “servant” of our mind… and when old programming gets triggered about wanting to die, the body tries to oblige us and give us what we want.  The body starts to “pack it up and get ready to leave,” since this is what we are telling it to do, at an unconscious level.  It is very common for the body to gain weight in this case, as a function of trying to “obey” our unconscious “desire for death.”
I feel like the time you spent in Chicago has brought up these issues in spades, which is why you are experiencing the unusual and sudden weight gain.  Buying Personal Rejuvenizers, like you just did, is probably the best thing you can do to offset this condition. In addition, you could request some subconscious clearing from me (that’s my Telepathic Healing work), and we could clear the old programs that have surfaced that are making you want to check out.  I believe that protecting yourself from all the frequencies (via the Rejuvenizers) and clearing your subconscious programming that is causing distress in your life (like weight gaining condition) are surefire remedies to transform your life and help you return to a happier, more peaceful state of being.

EMFs, melatonin and glandular function

Sarah Hultquist from Dallas, Texas wrote in with this great question about EMFs and melatonin.  As you may be aware, suppression of melatonin has been an issue where the body is constantly exposed to EMFs, for example, power lines, because if your home is in close proximity to the transmission lines, you and your family become bathed in EMFs 24/7.  Here’s Sara’s question:
I’m noticing that I have trouble sleeping at night.. and it’s been getting worse over the years.  I’m wondering if the rise of EMFs has had anything to do with this?  Could EMFs be affecting melatonin production?  Thanks for any insights you can offer.
From Dr. Light:  EMFs definitely can affect ones ability to sleep.  This can happen in a number of ways: 
1) In most major cities, we are getting hit by close to 300,000 frequencies per minute (this is in 2008).  In 1975, we got hit by about 40 frequencies per day.  As you can see, the amount of daily disturbance to our own natural energy field by detrimental frequencies and EMFs has increased at an astounding rate.  And because the frequencies are invisible, people don’t realize what’s happening. However, when we try to sleep at night, we are no longer able to be at peace and relax.  The frequency bombardment continues non-stop, and it makes us restless, irritable, and uncomfortable throughout the night, when we are supposed to be the most relaxed and rested possible!
Many people leave their computers on all night.  If you do this, it fills your house with unwanted frequencies.  You may even have noticed that once you started leaving your computer on all night, your ability to experience deep sleep started to diminish.  Word to the wise: Unless you have a set of Indoor Rejuvenizers and a Circuit Rejuvenizer to neutralize the negative effects of EMFs in your space, and a Personal Rejuvenizer to protect and repair your body from past damage from EMFs, it would be best for you to turn off or unplug as much of the electric and electronic equipment in your house as possible:  your computer, your wireless Internet connection, your cell phone, and even your TV.  Unfortunately you can’t “turn off” the overhead satellite, microwave, cell phone, radio, and TV transmissions.)
2) There is an unusual energetic phenomenon occurring in today’s world that disturbs people while they sleep.  I can’t explain “why,” but I have learned that “dark” or negative energies “ride the high-tech frequencies” and get into people’s energy field at night, while they sleep.  In other words, the high-tech frequencies are somehow a “magnet” for the negative energies and entities that exist in our world (really, in other energetic dimensions which exist within our physical universe).  As a result we are being assaulted by these negative energies while we sleep, and this is anything but relaxing and peaceful!
If you were to take a poll of how many people have nightmares these days, compared to years ago, you would find that the number has risen substantially…but most people don’t talk about this.  Nightmares occur as a result of these negative energies getting into you and staying with you while you are trying to sleep.  Whenever I have a nightmare, which is rare, I wake myself up, hold my Rejuvenizer, and ask for whatever negative energies I may have picked up to be cleared. Then I go back to sleep and have a peaceful, undisturbed rest.  Some people may not even believe that such negative energies exist.  But, indeed, these are the energies that create nightmares.  When these negative energies get cleared (like when a person uses a Personal Rejuvenizer on a regular basis), nightmares cease.
3) EMFs and other high-tech frequencies damage the subtle energy field around our physical body.  This subtle energy field, also called the “etheric body,” is actually the blueprint for the physical body. Every organ in our physical body has a corresponding “subtle organ” in our energy field. 
We manifest health from the inside out, meaning, if our etheric body is intact, our physical body experiences good health.  What makes our etheric body have problems?:  1) our negative thoughts, attitudes and beliefs, both conscious and subconscious, from our past experiences…. and 2) EMFs and other high-tech frequencies hitting it and disrupting its normal functioning.
When we get bombarded constantly by all the detrimental EMFs and other high-tech energies, the subtle organs, locating in subtle energy field, get damaged.  The more our subtle organs get damaged over time, the greater the problem we experience in our physical organs.  Every human being is getting bombarded by these negative fields and frequencies, and every human being has experienced some degree of damage to their subtle glandular system, which then translates to problems with their physical glandular or hormonal system.
The hormonal system is directly responsible for the production of melatonin, and directs sleep, brain, and aging functioning.  As the hormonal system is disturbed, we start to age faster, and our brain becomes less effective and sharp over time.  Having greater difficulty sleeping is also part of this package… and it is only getting worse, as the quantity of frequencies continues to increase. 
The problem is, we can’t compare ourself to what we would be like if we weren’t  getting hit by all the frequencies.  We don’t see that we’re aging faster, we just accept that we are aging.  We don’t realize that the pace at which we’re aging is not normal, but a function of all the damage our subtle energy field is sustaining from being hit by all the electromagnetic fields and frequencies.  Many people who get Rejuvenizers report sleeping much better over time.

Atrial Fibrillation and Airport Security Systems

As I have been telling people for the past two decades, EMFs and other high-tech frequencies are detrimental to the human energy field, and consequently, to the human body.  I have had to do numerous upgrades to my Rejuvenizers as of “9-11,” to counteract all the new frequencies being emitted from all the latest security satellites and scanning equipment at airports.
New security screening machines have been installed in many airports around the world in the past year and a half.  These machine do a rather invasive “full-body” scan, in order to detect weapons and other potentially hazardous items.  Security personnel observe passengers as they walk through the screening device.  The machines use some form of electronic frequency to do the scanning, which is very detrimental to the human energy field.  
As our energy field gets weaker from all the frequencies hitting it, all kinds of health problems can ensue.  In our world today, we see all kinds of physical illnesses that are caused by a frequency overload, like Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Cancer, Candida, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and all the various auto-immune system illnesses.
This condition happens when the the electrical conduction system of the heart malfunctions.  It is a serious condition that can result in a stroke.  I think it was brilliant for the man to have deduced that it got triggered by the security systems.
Many times, we have physical aches or pains, and just think it’s normal.  When a physical challenge arises, most people would never think about EMFs and their effect on the human body as a probable cause.  However, it is unreal what  people are up against in today’s world.  I used to get major pains in my head and body 20 years ago, because of the frequencies being broadcast at that time.
In today’s world, those frequencies are multiplied many times over, with all the cell phones in use, and all the TV, and radio signals being broadcast by overhead satellites.  For anyone to be healthy in our world today is nothing short of a miracle.  The human body is being asked to withstand more than it was designed to handle, with the frequency overload in our world today.
Germany seems to be one of the few countries that are aware of this, as they have advised their citizens to shut down their wireless internet networks and return to their land lines, due to potential health hazards from all the frequencies.  In America, we seem to be going in the opposite direction.  The “high-tech powers-that-be” want to turn our whole country into one huge “hot spot,” with wireless frequencies broadcast everywhere via a system called WiMax.  We will all wind up paying a huge price in the area of our health and well-being.  To me, this is absolutely unconscionable (Websters: “not guided or controlled by conscience: unscrupulous,” “shockingly unfair or unjust.”)  There has been no good or complete solution to this problem, and as a result, I have created the Rejuvenizers, to fully offset the detrimental effects of this onslaught of high-tech frequencies we face on a daily basis.  

EMF Protection Devices

Every day we receive many requests from people who are have questions about just how bombarded we are from electromagnetic fields (EMFs).  We invested much time and effort to help people learn about what we 
are talking about when we tell people why they need EMF Protection.  Please feel free to spread the word!

Health Problems with Cell Towers on Schools

Parents are Right to Sweat Cell Towers on Schools
In my mind, and in my field of research, there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that cell phone towers present a clear and present danger to all those who reside or spend time near them. That schools would perch them atop their buildings is unconscionable. Kids will definitely be affected in the following ways: it will be more difficult for them to focus and concentrate (as there is more “interference” in the natural energy field of the school property); they will become more irritable and depressed (EMF research in the 1980′s has shown that exposure to EMFs makes people more irritable and depressed over time); they will become more forgetful and spaced out (not so good while trying to get an education); and last but not least, the cell towers will create in the students.. and faculty… a greater vulnerability to headaches, fatigue, and immune system problems: allergies, asthma, candida, Fibromyalgia, and ultimately cancer.
The cost to the children’s (and faculty’s) health over time far outweighs any of the benefits that the $24,000 would bring to the school. Letting the cell phone companies put towers atop school buildings is the worst idea I have heard of yet—short of wanting to install the WiMax wireless internet system everywhere in America, making the whole country “one big hot spot.” The German government has pulled wireless internet systems out of the schools, because of potential health risks. They have publicized requests for their citizens to return to land-line usage and give up their cell phones for the same reason.
The more frequencies we have filling our air in America, the sicker we are all going to get. The handwriting is on the wall. Our high-tech frequencies are the next “lead paint” or asbestos.” These are products that we once touted as highly beneficial and valuable, and later found out about their innate toxicity. One day, we will all come to know of the deleterious effect of all the EMFs and frequencies of our high-tech world.
Being super sensitive myself, I can FEEL the frequencies hurting my body and causing pain. This is why I created a device to protect myself and others. Most people can’t feel the damage happening to them, and thus aren’t aware of the need for protection. I am truly sorry for our children and teachers who have to be subjected to an extra onslaught of frequencies from these uncomfortably close cell phone towers—in addition to the massive amount of frequencies coming in from the overhead TV, radio, security, and Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites which already blanket our planet.

A Majorly Toxic EMF Moment

The other day, I had to go to the Apple Store, as I needed to get a wireless internet card for my very old laptop computer. I was updating it for an out of town trip I was about to take. After all the sales people in the store giggled in fascination and amazement about how old my computer was, my sales person let me know that they no longer carried the card for my computer, because of its age, but there was a place in town where I could go find what I needed.
She called the place for me from one of the I-Phones on display, and handed the phone to me to get directions directly from them. I put the phone to my left ear, and talked to the guy for all of 3 minutes, while I copied down directions. After I got off the phone, I suddenly felt dizzy and woozy and had a strong pain in my RIGHT ear. Wow, that was weird.
Of course I had my Rejuvenizer on, but I knew I was having a majorly toxic EMF moment, and knew I would need to do a major upgrade to all of the Rejuvenizers. As I walked out of the store, I analyzed what had happened. The pain in my right ear was still very strong. It actually took about 1/2 hour to dissipate!!!
What I saw was this: The frequencies and electromagnetic fields filling the Apple Store (think about all the computers and cell phones they had operating in the store to show their customers) were interacting with each other in the same way that I’ve seen electricity act within a given space.
Let me explain. What I observed and realized about electricity many years ago, is that the “particles of energy” that run through all the various wires and circuits in the walls of your home or office, “talk with each other” and come together in the center of that space, forming these “lines of connection.”
It’s like all the lines of energy going around the room in the walls are drawn to connect with the lines of energy going through the other walls.. and they sort of meet in the middle. Any given normal size room could have 4,000 to 5,000 of these line running through it. Then, you have this huge cluster of energetic lines that clog your space and make it feel denser and heavier. And we’ve grown accustomed, over the years, to living with this dense, heavy, and often depressing energy.
I set it up years ago, for the Rejuvenizer to disperse this negative energy that runs through our spaces because of how electric current operates, which is why your home or office always feels so much lighter, peaceful, and even uplifting once the Indoor Rejuvenizers are placed around the room.
Well, after observing the energy in the Apple Store, I realized that the frequencies were behaving in much the same way as the “lines of energy” from electricity. They, too, were attempting to connect with one another. I realized that on my left ear, I had the I-Phone. Then, all the frequencies that filled the store, were attempting to “meet” the frequencies of the I-Phone… and the path they took was through my right ear and brain and out the left ear, to the phone. That’s why my RIGHT ear took the pounding. I was protected from the I-Phone by my Rejuvenizer, but my Rejuvenizer wasn’t prepared for the huge onslaught of frequencies that came pouring into my head through my right ear.
Like I said, I immediately felt dizzy and wobbly and my ear continued to hurt for a half hour. It was wild. I can hardly imagine someone in there without the protection of a Rejuvenizer!!!! Of course, I updated my devices to handle such a situation. This is why I am always doing updates. I can’t ask for protection from something that I don’t know exists. I do my best to stay on top of the various technological changes taking place all the time in our world today for this reason.

EMF Frequencies Beyond Human Tolerance

When wireless internet first came into use, I was very concerned. Although they said that “scientifically” the frequencies emitted by “wifi” are harmless, the frequencies still batter the human energy field on a continuous, 24/7 basis. Such constant bombardment weakens our energy field, and creates physical problems over time, such as headaches, sleeplessness, irritability, depression, and immune system disorders. I was very skeptical of the diagnosis of “harmless.”
I began to study wifi, and intuitively “measure” the energy in whatever space the wifi network was active. I found that the unnatural frequencies of wifi actually lower the “life energy level” or life force of whatever space they are in by about 85%. So, if wifi frequencies are being broadcast in your favorite parks or campgrounds, your pleasurable experience of being in nature is being drastically altered and diminished.
It’s one thing to be bombarded by one wifi network. I don’t recommend the experience. However, a friend of mine who lives in a three flat building in a residential area surrounded by single family homes in Chicago. She just informed me that she discovered the presence of SIXTEEN different wifi networks running through her office space and apartment. I’m sorry folks, but this is WAY BEYOND what any human being should have to endure. Frankly, it is insane.
I am willing to bet that there are a ridiculously high number of people around the country—all of whom are experiencing such constant bombardment by damaging high-tech frequencies—who think they must be losing their mind. They have no clue as to the source, since the frequencies are essentially “invisible.”
They can’t think straight, they feel exhausted all the time, and they can’t understand why they feel so depressed. I’m willing to bet that more and more people are turning to anti-depression or other kinds of medications to help cope with their lives. At least in Germany they have started to question the health implications of wifi and are pulling it out of various establishments, including schools. Of course in this country, more and more people are using wifi, totally clueless of any potential long-term health risks.
I have created a healing solution to this problem—the Rejuvenizer— but people need to know that a problem exists!!!! Without being aware of the problem, it is unlikely they will search for a solution. Please share this information with your friends and loved ones. You may save a life—mentally, emotionally, and even physically

EMF Radiation Damages Blood Cells - Test Shows

    • Video 1

    BBC Tests the Q-Link® Pendant

    BBC Report shows electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from computers, cell phones, etc., can cause damage to your blood cells... And offers dramatic proof that the Q-Link® works!
    Video 2

FoxNews Report on EMF & Q-Link®

EMFs are everywhere: cell phones, computers, etc. Features Q-Link® as protective device.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Detecting Electromagnetic Radiation and Minimizing its Health Risks

Many scientific reports have indicated that the health risks associated with electromagnetic radiation are much higher than initially understood. Governments have responded by lowering the allowed exposure limit for humans from electromagnetic radiation. Yet at the same time the proliferation of electromagnetic radiation emitters escalates an alarming rate. Beyond conventional high tension power transmission lines crisscrossing the landscape, we now contend with high density cell networks, LAN and WIFI systems, all operating in the microwave region. Because there are long term health risks associated with electromagnetic radiation, it is prudent to locate areas of exposure. Many electromagnetic radiation sources investigated in this report are quite common, though less known sources merit attention especially due to the practice of concealing emitters.Figure 1 shows the portion of interest of the electromagnetic spectrum with the red line indicating ANSI exposure limits:electromagnetic ANSI exposure limits
Figure 1

Sources of Radiation

Very low frequency AC fields, such as from power lines, drop off rapidly as you move away from the source following the inverse square of the distance. This is not the case with radio waves that decrease quasi-linearly with distance. Cell transmissions and microwaves also fall off somewhat linearly but may be directed to keep their intensity over large distances. In practice the fields around electromagnetic sources are much more complex due to the landscape, atmospheric conditions and antenna geometries. Proximity to the ground, being inside structures with significant amounts of metal are factors which can also reduce the field strength.

Measurements Inside the Home

The AC electrical wires inside a house or apartment surround the occupants with an almost uniform very low frequency electromagnetic field. The AC voltage in relation to ground may be at a very high level inside a house (180V peak) but variations in the field will be much smaller. These variations are perhaps a few volts and will result in readings of about 0.1µW/cm2. The actual electromagnetic power density between head and foot for a human might actually be over 1mW/cm2.Several appliances and electrical fixtures tend to produce large amounts of electromagnetic radiation. The worst offenders are usually microwave ovens, compact fluorescent light bulbs and televisions. Wireless phones have low output but their frequency of operation is typically in the most dangerous region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Cell phones are especially hazardous since the microwave radiation they emit is close to the user's head. The newer digital phones however have less average power than the analog types. In any case it is always prudent to use an external headset to keep the antenna away from the body. Exposure is also cumulative therefore short conversations give less radiation. When cell and wireless phones are waiting for calls, the radiation levels are very low on average and are not dangerous.
Compact fluorescent light bulbs are widely considered an environmental solution to replace the ubiquitous incandescent light bulb. Yet few consumers are aware that compact flourescent bulbs have a noisy high voltage, high frequency circuit inside to trigger and maintain their glow. Since the operating frequency of these bulbs is below the AM radio band, there are no restrictions on the amount of electromagnetic radiation that they can generate. Manufacturers have strived to make the lowest cost bulbs using unshielded circuits that generate very high field levels. An example of a compact fluorescent bulb is shown in figure 2a. Figure 2b shows that the field strength within one inch of the bulb is an incredible 100mW/cm2.
compact fluorescent bulbelectromagnetic emission from a compact fluorescent bulb
Figure 2aFigure 2b

Televisions and computer monitors are in the process of being superceded by LCD technology as the quality and cost of these new devices improves. Nonetheless many consumers still use cathode ray tube (CRT) televisions and monitors in their homes and at work. A CRT contains a high voltage power supply and electron gun that beams electromagnetic radiation and x-rays into the surrounding environment. Some manufacturers have managed to reduce emissions in their CRT products, though many models still spray large amounts of electromagnetic radiation. Here are measurements from three examples of CRT type TV and monitors.
In Figure 3 the 27" TV has a high electromagnetic radiation emission in the first 12 to 15" from the front of the screen. The safe watching distance is beyond the lime green line at 43".
27 inch TV
Figure 3

The monitor in Figure 4a is an old 13" made by TTX. It has no emission reduction on the face of the screen. A person using this monitor should sit at least 19" back from the screen to reduce their exposure to a safe level. The Viewsonic 17" monitor in Figure 4b is a low emission type. The radiation level is safe beyond 10".
TTX 13 inch monitorViewsonic 17 inch monitor
Figure 4aFigure 4b

Surveying the Outside Environment

Our cities have now become a network of microwave generators on towers, clustered on top of apartment buildings, on transmission line towers, hanging on everyone's belt or in their purse. Add to this the myriad of emergency and safety transmitters, TV and radio broadcast towers, airport navigational and communication systems, amateur radio operators and military communications. To make matters worse, each cell network provider has their own network, multiplying the exposure by the number of providers. In many urban centers, especially around major highways and the downtown core, the radiation levels can be dangerously high. The same now is true for heavily traveled rural routes where nature is routinely interrupted by a cell tower in a farmer's field. Electromagnetic radiation from FM radio stations, aircraft and police communications and TV stations are the most dangerous due to their resonance with the human body. This range is generally accepted as being between 30 and 300 MHz. Radio and TV towers are often located on top of tall buildings, on fixed towers or phased array tower farms. Because of their high power (often tens of thousands of watts) and long range care must be taken in their presence.The CN Tower in Toronto, Canada is a good example of a multi-use tower containing broadcast and communications of almost every type. Residents are obviously familiar with the antenna mounted on the top. Somewhat less well known are the microwave transmitters beneath an air inflated radome below the main observation deck as revealed in figures 5a and 5b.
CN Tower air inflated radomemicrowave transmitters inside CN Tower air bag
Figure 5aFigure 5b

Figure 6a shows the radiation pattern around the CN Tower (figure 6b). The highway that runs just south of the CN tower is about 20 feet above ground. The readings on the highway are 10 times higher than at ground level.
CN Tower emm readingsCN Tower
Figure 6aFigure 6b

Cell phones operate in the 800-900MHz frequency range with some services being provided around 1.8 to 1.9 GHz (PCS). Cell phones transmit between 0.1 and 1 watt depending on the service. Cell towers are typically limited to 500 Watts of effective radiated power (ERP) per channel for large towers and less than 100 watts for smaller towers in urban areas. Micro and pico installations on the sides of buildings or between floors may have ERPs of less than 10 watts per channel.
A typical tower may have 63 channels with an effective power of 6.3kW. Figures reported from government1 or industry sources claim that radio frequency levels at the base of cell towers are very low, perhaps 1µW/cm2. While this is true it is also somewhat misleading. Cell tower antennas are directional and aimed so that their maximum power density will hit the ground at some distance from the tower, usually several hundred yards away from the base. To understand the strength of the electromagnetic radiation around a tower, it is important to take readings at several distances and at different heights if possible. Figures 7a and 7b shows an example of a twin tower installation.
twin tower emm readingstwin towers
Figure 7aFigure 7b

The electromagnetic radiation is very intense in the immediate vicinity of the towers on the elevated highway and peaks again almost 800 yards south of the towers. Since the electromagnetic resonance in the head ranges from 400MHz for adults and 800MHz for infants, dangerous exposure can occur close to cell towers especially over prolonged periods of time.
In addition to the cell transmissions, microwave communications are often installed on the same towers typically appearing as dishes or drums. A new alarming trend is the so-called stealth tower installations. Cell transmitters are creatively hidden in fake trees, cactus, water towers, grain silos, church steeples and elsewhere. They also can be located inside buildings such as casinos and amusement parks close to ground level. Figure 8 reveals a few examples.
antennae in fan palmantennae in belltowerantenna in cactus
Figure 8

A series of communication antennas was found on the Niagara escarpment, adjacent to the Bruce Trail hiking path. A sign at the site entrance clearly warns that there are dangerous levels of radiation in the area. Our survey found that the radiation level just above the ground was in excess of 1mW/cm2 everywhere on the antenna property as shown by the dashed red line in figure 9a. The radiation level along the road and at the entrance to the trail head was between 0.05 and 0.1mW/cm2. All of these levels are around the maximum allowed limit.
antenna farm emm readingsantenna farm
Figure 9aFigure 9b

High voltage AC transmission lines are usually strung on towers at various levels above the ground. Due the high voltage, the ELF (extremely low frequencies) electromagnetic field around these structures is intense. Figure 10b shows a segment of a transmission line containing two parallel sets of lines.
high voltage AC line emm readingshigh volatage AC line
Figure 10aFigure 10b

The red lines are directly below the high tension wires. The radiation from AC power drops off very rapidly as you move away from the lines but levels off at 0.01mW/cm2 over highway 407 and the adjacent residential neighborhood. The green line, indicating a level of 1µW/cm2 begins at 1.5km from the power lines.
Measurements were taken around the Stirton transformer station and the incoming high tension feed lines in Hamilton, Ontario. The feed lines are closest to the ground immediately before they enter the station at point #4 where the AC electromagnetic field is 1mW/cm2. The high tension lines pass over Powell park with a reading of 0.1mW/cm2. The residential neighborhood immediately to the right of the power lines drops off to 0.01mW/cm2 by the time it reaches the rear of the backyards. On the opposite side of the transformer station where the voltage has been stepped down to residential levels, the levels are much lower at 0.001mW/cm2 or less. An aerial photograph of the station and feed lines is shown below in Figure 11a.
emm measurements at Stirton transformer stationStirton transformer station
Figure 11aFigure 11b
The residential neighborhood immediately to the right of the power lines drops off to 0.01mW/cm2 by the time it reaches the rear of the backyards. Properties close to high tension lines and cell towers will increasingly be perceived as hazardous and consequently have a lower property value.
The safe exposure limit for ELF AC from power lines has been set at 100mW/cm2 by IEEE for thermally induced cell damage. Exposure to AC fields much below this limit may cause non-thermal cell damage or immune disfunction. This is the subject of much scientific research to determine the possible health hazards2.
Mounting evidence, especially from the recent Swedish study3showing that cell radiation causes nerve damage at very low doses, are beginning to draw our attention to the potentially dangerous electromagnetic radiation in our environment. It is possible to limit the exposure by selecting low emission products such as LCD displays and shielded lighting solutions. Other options include careful selection of an electro-magnetically surveyed residential property as well as the careful placement of office equipment in the workplace. Using external car antennas and hands free attachments with cell phones also aid in keeping the radiation away from the body. The best advice is to be aware of the sources of radiation around you.


Electromagnetic radiation health should be a big concern to each and every one of us whether we think we're being exposed to these waves or not. The reality is we're all being exposed to electromagnetic waves no matter where we live or where we go.
There’s a new wave of technology hitting us all: radio-frequency identification tags. RFID tags are small computer chips that can be implanted and embedded almost anywhere, including in the human body.
Currently, RFID chips are mostly used in objects, such as in our ID cards and in goods that need to be tracked. However, in just a short amount of time we’ll all be encouraged by the banking cabal to allow them to embed microchips into our bodies.
We’ll be told RFID is a great way to eliminate the need to carry ID cards. Or, it’s a great way for parents to keep track of where there children are. But what the banking cabal really want to use RFID for is to transmit data and images into our brains.
You can be assured that once microchips are in our bodies, electromagnetic radiation health will become a huge issue for us as we find ourselves falling under the complete control of the banking cabal.
The American government, at the bequest of their banking cabal puppet masters, has been experimenting with electronic warfare for many years now. Most people have been quick to jump on the bandwagon and support this type of weapon in the name of protecting themselves and this country. This is exactly what the banking cabal have been counting on.
By first creating a crisis of terror in the United States, the banking cabal have been counting on our fear to allow them to do many things. Using electromagnetic waves for warfare is just one of the things we’ve agreed to.
The real reason the banking cabal have gotten us to accept electronic warfare is that when they make the push for using electromagnetic waves in other areas of our lives, we’ll be completely open to the idea. For this very reason we should all be concerned about electromagnetic radiation health issues.


The banking cabal have spent millions of dollars researching the use of RFID chips to control us. They already use propaganda and social engineering to get us to believe what they want. So why stop there?
The banking mafia are building a New World Order in which the only role they want us to play is one of slaves. They want us to make them rich. They want us to do their bidding. But they also need to ensure that there aren’t too many of us around. RFID is one way the banking cabal intend to control the world’s population.
They want to impair us by creating electromagnetic radiation health problems for us. They want thousands of us to get sick, both mentally and physically, so they can reduce the world’s total population count. What better way to control us without our ever knowing it than by transmitting thoughts and feeling into our brains that make us react in certain ways?


Mind manipulation techniques have been around for a long time, whether we choose to believe this or not. But why are the banking cabal so interested in our minds? Because they know the mind is a powerful weapon that can be used against them. They need to be sure of our compliance if they want to achieve world domination.
The time has come for us to wake up and recognize what the banking cabal are doing to us and what they have planned for the future. We need to learn as much as we can about electromagnetic radiation health problems and what they mean for us.
Don’t allow yourself to be convinced that RFID is a new technology we can’t do without. This is exactly what the banking mafia want us to think so they can take the next step and implant RFID microchips in our brains. Say no to mind control before we don’t have the strength to say no at all.

Electromagnetic Radiation and Your Health

Electromagnetic radiation is perhaps the most serious form of environmental pollution we face in modern times. Electromagnetic energy interacts with our bodies in powerful ways, and the effects of em radiation have profound and serious consequences for all life on our planet.


What is EM Radiation?

There are two forms of electromagnetic energy also referred to as electromagnetic fields:

  • Ionizing – such as gamma waves and which can remove electrons, creating ions
  • Non-Ionizing – which make atoms vibrate, but cannot remove electrons from atoms

Public health authorities have led us to believe that non-ionizing radiation is not harmful. In terms of human health, things are not quite that simple. Common sense and a little knowledge of how cells function tells us that this is not true!

There are both natural and man made sources of electromagnetic radiation:

  • Natural – thunderstorms, Earth’s magnetic field, geopathic stress
  • Man made – X-rays and other diagnostic equipment, electricity, radio waves, microwaves, cell phones, computers and other household appliances

There are two types of fields:

  • Electrical fields - are produced by changes in voltage
  • Magnetic fields – are produced by flow of electric current

Electromagnetic Radiation – How it Affects Us

Authorities claim that non ionizing radiation is not harmful because it cannot break chemical bonds. This is like saying that blows to the body are not harmful if they do not break the skin.
We have well over a trillion cells in the human body. Each of these has a nucleus where our DNA (the genetic blueprint for our body) resides. DNA is known to be receptive to resonant frequencies in much the same way as a radio antenna.
Cells have bioenergetic and electrical properties. The cell membranes in the mitochondria have varying electrical voltage potentials and capacitance to transport ions in and out of the cell through what is called the electron transport chain.
This is how your cells produce the energy that keeps you alive. Strong electromagnetic fields can disrupt the delicate balance of the electron transport chain and interfere with energy production in your cells.
Since DNA requires sufficient amounts of cellular energy to transmit information when our cells divide, electromagnetic radiation can cause encoding errors that may result in a cell becoming cancerous.
This is a simplistic explanation, but I think you get the picture. There are two things you want to do to protect yourself, limit your exposure to electromagnetic fields and use effective nutrition to protect yourself from the inside as well.

Detecting and Measuring EM Radiation

There are a number of instruments for measuring electromagnetic fields, such as gauss meters, and magnetometers. For our purposes, a relatively inexpensive gauss meter is sufficient.
With the gauss meter you can detect electromagnetic fields in your home and arrange your living space and it’s electrical appliances so that you are not constantly exposed to strong electrical fields that can adversely affect your body.

Nutritional Strategies

Following a healthy diet for your blood and metabolic type helps a great deal. This will keep toxins and free radicals to a minimum, alter gene expression favorably, and help keep your immune system strong to protect against DNA damage.
To this you should add an antioxidant formula, which will further protect against oxidative stress and free radicals that can result from electromagnetic energy in your environment.

Protect your health from Electromagnetic Radiation

Protect Yourself from Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) hazards by supporting the BioInitiative Report recommendations on EMR exposure limits.

The EMR Policy Institute is putting forward this petition to endorse the recommendations of The BioInitiative Working Group Report. We are seeking support from other organizations whose missions call for responsible public health policy for children, for workers and for the general public both where they work and where they reside. We are also seeking the endorsement of individuals to call for tougher EMR safety policy globally as spelled out in the report: BioInitiative Report: A Rationale for a Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF).

Following the Petition language is the statement of support for The BioInitiative Report that was issued on September 17, 2007, by the European Environmental Agency (EEA). It summarizes the importance of the BioInitiative Report and the EMR safety actions it recommends.

We, the undersigned, find that current government limits do not protect the public from adverse health effects from electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emanating from devices such as power lines, cell phones and wireless internet devices and their associated antenna sites, TV and FM broadcast towers and radar.

Most of the existing limits on this form of radiation are 1 to 4 thousand times too lenient to prudently protect humans from adverse health effects ranging from Alzheimer\'s and other neurodegenerative diseases, reproduction problems, sleep reduction, learning, memory, slowed ability of the body to repair damage, interference with immune function, cancer and electrohypersensitivity.

Based upon the scientific evidence set forth in The BioInitiative Report: A Rationale for a Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF) and a large body of additional research, we recommend that the following limits of electromagnetic radiation be set to not exceed:

I. Extremely-low frequency (ELF). Power Lines, appliances, interior electric wiring and other ELF-radiating devices: 
A. Homes, schools and places where children spend large amounts of time: 1 milligauss *(1mG) for new construction; 1 milligauss (1mG) for all existing occupied space retrofitted over time.
B. All other construction: 2 milligauss (2mG) 

*A milligauss is a measure of ELF field strength used to describe magnetic fields from appliances, power lines, interior electrical wiring,etc. A milligauss, abbreviated, is mG. Just as the power density of high frequency RF fields can be described in µW/cm2 or the corresponding electrical field in V/m, the parameter most easily measured for ELF is the magnetic field.

II. Long-term (cumulative) Radiofrequency Radiation*(RF) 
A. Outdoor Pulsed- such as cell phone antennas, radar, TV and FM broadcast antennas, wireless internet antennas: One tenth of a microwatt per centimeter squared or 0.614 volts per meter. * (0.1 µW/cm2 or 0.614 V/m)

*Radiofrequency radiation (RF) power density is measured in microwatts per centimeter squared or volts per metmer and abbreviated (µW/cm2)or (V/m).
Radiofrequency Radiation is used when talking about emissions from broadcast, radar and wireless facilities, and when describing ambient RF in the environment. In the United States and Canada, for example, the amount of allowable RF near a cell tower is one thousand microwatts per centimeter squared (1000 µW/cm2) for some cell phone frequencies.

B. Indoor Radiofrequency Radiation (RF) such as cell phones, wireless internet equipment and the radiation that permeates buildings from outdoor sources. One hundredth of a microwatt per centimeter squared or 0.194 volts per meter (0.01 µW/cm2 or 0.194 V/m). Typically, RF power density from higher frequency outdoor sources such as UHF television or cell phone antenna base stations drops by a factor of ten when it permeates buildings. Lower frequency signals such as lower channel VHF TV and FM are not as severely attenuated as the higher frequencies.

Future research may demonstrate that these recommended levels are not protective enough; therefore, public policy makers should remain open to lowering them as the scientific evidence accumulates.

A new report raising concerns about the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on human health calls for tougher safety standards to regulate radiation from mobile phones, power lines and many other sources of exposure in daily life. The "BioInitiative Report: A Rationale for a Biologically-Based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF) was compiled by the BioInitiative Working Group, an international group of scientists, researchers and public health policy professionals. The EEA has contributed to this new report with a chapter drawn from the EEA study, \"Late lessons from early warnings: the precautionary principle 1896-2000\"
The EEA study reviews the histories of a selection of public and environmental hazards, such as asbestos, benzene and PCBs, from the first scientifically based early warnings about potential harm, to subsequent precautionary and preventive measures. Cases on tobacco smoking and lead in petrol are forthcoming.

Although the EEA does not have specific expertise in EMF, the case studies of public hazards analyzed in the publication show that harmful exposures can be widespread before there is evidence of harm from long-term exposures, and biological understanding of how that harm is caused. 

"There are many examples of the failure to use the precautionary principle in the past, which have resulted in serious and often irreversible damage to health and environments. Appropriate, precautionary and proportionate actions taken now to avoid plausible and potentially serious threats to health from EMF are likely to be seen as prudent and wise from future perspectives. We must remember that precaution is one of the principles of EU environmental policy," says Professor Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director of the EEA.

Current evidence, although limited, is strong enough to question the scientific basis for the present EMR exposure limits, according to the BioInitiative Working Group.

Non-Thermal Effects

The first experiment on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields dates from the end of the nineteenth century when Russian scientist Danilevsky observed effects of radio-frequency fields on a muscle preparation that included the nerve supplying the muscle. Investigations peaked simultaneously with the development of radar between 1930 and 1940, but ended abruptly with World War II.
Interest in the subject was rekindled by the discovery that animals and plants failed to thrive and even died in areas exposed to radio waves beyond a certain minimum power density; and also by complaints of workers at radar stations. Research resumed in the 1950s in the former Soviet Union and the United States, as well as in Poland, Italy, and later, Britain.
Public debate over the health hazards of electromagnetic fields began in the United States. In 1973, biologist Robert Becker was approached by the US Navy Commander Paul Tyler to serve on a panel of experts to evaluate some experiments that the Navy had funded. These were in connection with an antenna system the Navy was planning to build in northern Wisconsin that involved grids of buried wires that would extend over thousands of square miles of land. It was to be used for communication with submerged submarines.
Because of the large size of the antenna system, and fears that the non-ionising electromagnetic radiation (NIEMR) it would emit might have impacts on health and the environment, Congress had ordered the Navy to carry out the studies.
The New York Academy of Sciences had sponsored a conference on "Electrically Mediated Growth Mechanisms in Living Systems", and Becker had delivered a brilliant keynote paper that summarised his work up to then, which revealed how electrical fields and currents produced by the body are controlling growth and regeneration. By the 1960s, Becker had already proposed a theory that an electrical communication system exists within all living things, and also showed that externally applied fields could influence the processes of growth and regeneration.
But Becker was also worried about the undesirable, harmful effects that could come from exposures to external electromagnetic fields that were often orders of magnitude stronger than the fields within the living body. He had taken on a graduate student, Andrew Marino to conduct some studies on mice and rats.
Marino had indeed found that animals exposed to NIEMR suffered adverse effects, when Becker was asked to review the studies that the Navy had funded.
There were seven scientists on the panel reviewing more than 30 studies. Nearly two-thirds of the studies had found biological effects from exposure to NIEMR; and these were in a variety of species, including slime-mould, rats, birds and humans. The upshot was that all the panel members thought the proposed antenna was a potential hazard to human health, and they drew up a long list of recommendations and further studies.
In the middle of deliberations, someone pointed out that the Navy’s proposed antenna produced NIEMR similar to that produced by high-voltage powerlines, and that in the largest lines carrying 765 000 volts, the strength of the NIEMR might be as much as a million times stronger. That threw the panel into disarray. The discussions became heated, but eventually, the scientists agreed they had to recommend some action: that the Navy should inform a special committee advisory to the President that many Americans might be "at risk" from NIEMR from power lines.
Marino, who told his story in a book published years later had no idea that he and his supervisor were about to be drawn into one of the most acrimonious and lonely battle against the industrial-military complex, and prominent figures in the scientific establishment were to play the key role in victimising him and his supervisor. When it was all over, Becker would lose all grant support, and would have to close his laboratory in Syracuse, New York, after 20 years of pioneering research on the electromagnetic basis of living organisms.
Marino had found that animals exposed to NIEMR of 60Hz from the wall outlet gained less weight and drank less water. The exposed animals also had altered levels of blood proteins and enzymes. That was precisely the same NIEMR that would come from power lines. He had repeated the experiment twice, with the same results.
By then, at least two 765 000 volt lines were being planned, and Marino and Becker were called to give evidence at a powerline hearing which arose from Becker’s warnings. Their experiments had confirmed what the Navy’s own studies had found. Becker had no doubt that the power line was a potential health risk.
Unfortunately, they were up against Herman Schwan and other scientists who would be defending the industry and their own prestige in the scientific establishment.
Schwan had come to United States from Germany in 1947 under Project Paperclip, a controversial government programme to import German scientists after WWII. He worked for the US Navy until 1950 when he became a professor at the University of Pennsylvania. Schwan had done some research on NIEMR in Germany during the war. After arriving in the US, he began to publish papers saying that ‘the laws of physics’ showed that the only effects of NIEMR on living things would be through heating or electric shock.
Schwan’s writings were bound up with the federal government’s concern, which surfaced in the 1950s, over military employees who were reporting various injuries from working around radar – eye injuries, temporary and permanent sterility, internal bleeding and other problems. In response to these complaints, an Air Force surgeon, Colonel George Knauf was asked to determine how much NIEMR was safe. Knauf and Schwan began to work together, with Schwan being the expert on biological effects.
Schwan regarded the stories of non-thermal injuries anecdotal and unreliable. Accordingly, he regarded NIEMR safe if it did not cause heating. What was the maximum level? Schwan ‘s answer was that the body could handle a certain amount of heat, for example, by sweating, but if the heat reached the point at which the body’s regulatory mechanisms broke down, temperature would rise and injury would result. According to his calculations, the ‘safe’ level would be 10 milliwatts per square centimetre (mW/cm2).
This level was adopted provisionally by the Department of Defence in 1955, and Knauf got the go-ahead to fund a series of animal experiments to verify Schwan’s calculations.
One of the researchers funded was Solomon Michaelson at the University of Rochester, who used beagle dogs as a test animal, and, "in a revolting series of experiments, he literally cooked dogs alive with NIEMR at levels of 50 to 100mW/cm2". He recorded burns, fluid oozing from the brain and eyes and body temperatures rising to 106-108F.
Other investigators confirmed Michaelson’s work. Gross acute effects had been observed at NIEMR levels only slightly above the safety limit set by Schwan. There was not one instance of an experiment funded by the programme that was conducted at power densities below the limit. In other words, non-thermal effects were never investigated.
Schwan was subsequently appointed chair of a committee of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), whose goal was to set a NIEMR limit or industry. It came as no surprise that ANSI accepted Schwan’s position and 10mW/cm2 became the "safe" level for such industries as radar and radio and others whose employees would be exposed to electrical equipment.
Over the next twenty years, Schwan published dozens of papers and gave hundreds of lectures, which culminated in his election to the National Academy of Engineering.
What Schwan said in most of his papers was that there were no known biological effects of NIEMR below 10mW/cm2. There were in fact such reports, particularly from the former Soviet Union, that were never acknowledged by Schwan. Schwan’s limit came solely from calculations based on non-biological models, or dead tissues; and all subsequent experiments were simply rationalisations of it, as Marino pointed out.
Michaelson, too, declared that so long as NIEMR levels were below Schwan’s limit, they were completely safe. He was especially critical of Soviet scientists who found non-thermal effects below that threshold, and had set safety limits far more stringent that that in the US. He said that the harm done to industry and the military from such stringent limits would outweigh any proposed public-health benefit.
In 1965, the safe exposure limit set for the general public in Czechoslovakia was in the range of microwatts/cm2, ie, a thousand times smaller than that in the United States.
Michaelson’s public declarations brought him many important appointments to committees of the National Academy of Sciences, the World Health Organization, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, President’s Office of Telecommunication Policy, Electric Power Research Institute, etc.
Both Schwan and Michaelson were to be major witnesses on behalf of industry against Marino and Becker.
It turns out that in the mid-1960s, the power industry in the US had already obtained copies of Soviet studies on the biological effects of NIEMR from powerlines. The American Electric Power Company (AEP), one of the largest in the US, commissioned a study by scientists in Johns Hopkins University, the results of which were released in 1967. In a survey involving 11 linemen, two were found with reduced sperm count. In a second study, mice exposed to NIEMR were not harmed, but their offspring, which were not exposed, were stunted. No more follow-up studies were carried out, and request by the John Hopkins team for further funding was turned down.
At an international conference on high-voltage powerlines in Paris in 1972, Soviet engineers announced for the first time to the West that they had performed investigations on the effects of NIEMR on workers and concluded they needed protective clothing. They reported reduced sexual potency and adverse effects on the central nervous system, the heart and circulatory system.
The power industry released translations of the Soviet reports, which were prefaced by Howard Barnes, an engineer for AEP involved in the John Hopkins studies. The Soviet scientists had studied hundreds of linemen, compared to the 11 in the American study. And while the American study involved only physical examinations, the Soviets had performed psychological and neurological tests as well.
But Barnes, in his introduction, invoked an argument that’s all too familiar in the current GM debate. He pointed out that there were then 500 000 miles of high-voltage lines in the US, and there wasn’t a single report, not one confirmed case, of anyone being killed or made ill by the NIEMR from such lines, so they must be safe.
As in the case of GM food, that statement was based on there having been no studies on the effects of living near the power lines.
The story that unfolded makes riveting reading. Research findings were suppressed and falsified. Important scientific witnesses failed to turn up or were not contactable. Committees were stacked with industry-friendly scientists.
Marino, Becker and citizens won in the end, at tremendous personal costs to themselves. They prevented one of the two big power lines from being built, and the company that built the first announced it would not build another 765 000 volt line.
Most revealing in the entire episode was the way Schwan defended the indefensible orthodoxy. He denied all scientific evidence that went against his a priori calculation based on the ‘known laws of physics’ and the utterly false assumption that the living organism was to be regarded as no different from dead or inanimate matter.
As Marino wrote, "..Schwan seemed to view the studies [reporting non-thermal NIEMR effects] as weeds in the garden of known physical laws. Because the know laws did not predict the results of the studies, Schwan’s reaction was to denigrate them, rather than assume that there existed unknown laws, or unknown interpretation of known laws.."
Schwan was not alone, the scientific establishment had thrown its weight behind his position until it became untenable. But there has been little change in scientific outlook since.
To this day, the ‘safe’ exposure limits recommended by the international authority, International Committee for Non-Ionising Radiation (ICNIRP) take no account of non-thermal effects, despite the mounting evidence of health hazards from such effects.
By the 1980s, Marino could already point to the studies reporting NIEMR links to depression and suicides in England, to cancers in both children and adults in Colorado in the United States. Housewives in Oregon who lived in houses with radiant electric heating were subject to increased cancer risk. In Sweden, a correlation was reported between cancer in juveniles and proximity to high-voltage power lines in the Stockholm area. A cluster of rare and lethal ovarian tumours was found in five young girls living near a 69 000 volt line in Florida.
Similar association between NIEMR and cancer was reported in Wichita, Kansas. Men and women living in counties containing cities near Air Force bases were more likely to get cancer than people in similar counties not located near Air Force bases.
Finally, a correlation between electric blankets and miscarriages was also reported.