Saturday, February 19, 2011

Is Your Electric Blanket Safe?

Winter is upon you if you live in the northern hemisphere, and with this challenging economy you are probably interested in lowering your thermostat and conserving energy while still staying warm.
An electric blanket seems like a good idea. You can turn the thermostat down at bedtime and stay comfortable throughout the night.
But the central question is:  Are they safe?
It’s true -- electric blankets are convenient and cost effective. But it is important to know that they may also be hazardous to your health.
In addition to the fire danger associated with a defective or an old, worn electric blanket, there is also another health risk to consider -- the electromagnetic field you’ll be sleeping under for several hours every night.
What is an Electromagnetic Field?
An electromagnetic field (EMF) is an invisible zone of energy that surrounds electric devices and wiring.
EMFs are actually comprised of two fields:
  • an electric field, and
  • magnetic field
The electric field is created by voltage, which determines the force with which the electricity is pushed through wires. Most electric fields can be shielded by the design of the appliance, or physically, by walls or other barriers.
The magnetic field is created by the current, which is the amount of electricity being pushed. Magnetic fields, which are the main cause of health concerns, can travel through most barriers and for long distances, and are difficult to block.
All electromagnetic energy falls somewhere on the electromagnetic spectrum, ranging from extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation to microwaves, x-rays and gamma rays.
ELF fields are generated by household appliances, including electric blankets, and overhead power lines, which have been linked to an increased risk of cancer such as leukemia.
The Dangers of Electromagnetic Energy to Your Health
When electricity passes through a wire, it creates an electromagnetic field that exerts force on nearby objects, including animals and humans.
At one time it was believed that low-level magnetic fields were not harmful, but scientists now agree that ELF fields are indeed hazardous to human health. They are now considered “probable carcinogens,” and have been linked to cases of childhood leukemia, lymphoma and other health conditions. The exact mechanism by which exposure leads to cancer has not been established. But one potential mechanism may be due to ELFs ability to alter the expression of certain genes; turning them on and off at inappropriate times, which may cause them to initiate cell proliferation.
Additionally, the BioInitiative Report, published August 31, 2007 by an international working group of scientists, researchers and public health policy professionals, documents serious scientific concerns about the radiation emitted from power lines, cell phones, and many other sources of exposure to radiofrequencies and electromagnetic fields in daily life.
It concludes that the existing standards for public safety are completely inadequate to protect your health. The report includes studies showing evidence that electromagnetic fields can:
  • Affect gene and protein expression (Transcriptomic and Proteomic Research)
  • Have genotoxic effects – RFR and ELF DNA damage
  • Induce stress response (Stress Proteins)
  • Affect immune function
  • Affect Neurology and behavior
  • Cause childhood cancers (Leukemia)
  • Impact melatonin production; Alzheimer’s Disease; Breast Cancer
  • Promote breast cancer (Melatonin links in laboratory and cell studies)
Why Electric Blankets are A Bigger Threat Than Other Household Appliances
Researchers have concluded that you should not only be aware of the potential harm of low-level magnetic fields, you should also limit your exposure as much as possible. This is especially true for appliances held close to the body, as would be the case with electric blankets.
The magnetic fields given off by various household appliances diminish sharply the farther you are from the appliance. In the case of electric blankets, however, a study conducted by Dr. Nancy Wertheimer in the mid-1980’s demonstrated that the reading at any power level (level 1 all the way up to level 9 or 10) was 10 to 20 mG (milliGauss) next to the blanket, and 5 to 10 mG six inches away from it.
These numbers represent the field strength to which you’re exposed when sleeping under an electric blanket. The current is balanced at the center of the blanket, but unbalanced at the outer edges. It is the imbalance that causes a significant magnetic field to be generated.
While there is heated debate as to what EMF level is considered safe, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed a safety standard of 1 mG, but many experts believe even this level is too high. As you can see, electric blankets are capable of creating a magnetic field anywhere from 5 to 20 times higher than the EPA’s proposed safe level of exposure. Meanwhile, many scientists warn that the enforced standards for electromagnetic exposures are too lax, and that the safety standards need to be revised in order to protect human health.
Specific Risks Linked to Electric Blanket EMFs
Electric blankets create a magnetic field that penetrates about 6-7 inches into your body -- for hours at a time. This qualifies as chronic exposure.
Epidemiological studies have linked electric blankets with miscarriages and childhood leukemia.
Recent data reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggests that regular use of an electric blanket may increase breast cancer risk in some women, and according to a 2007 report published in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention, using electric blankets was associated with a 15 percent higher prevalence of endometrial cancer than never having used one. The same study also revealed that the use of electric blankets for 20 years or more was associated with 36 percent higher prevalence of endometrial cancer.
Other studies have shown that the EMFs generated by electric blankets suppress melatonin production. Melatonin is the most important detox agent for your brain and is also an anti-inflammatory. Electromagnetic radiation can make inflammation worse by creating more potent my co-toxins, so reducing inflammation is vital.
Research included in the BioInitiative Report mentioned above have also found links between melatonin disruption and the promotion of breast cancer.
Electric Blankets and Pregnancy
This clearly is not a good idea and something that is easily avoided. The unborn fetus is likely the most susceptible to this type of EMF radiation.

Additionally, if you use an electric blanket during early pregnancy, you may increase the risk of miscarriage.
Studies indicate that women who used an electric blanket around the time of conception and during early pregnancy were nearly twice as likely to miscarry than women who did not.
Is There a “Risk Free” Electric Blanket?
In response to EMF concerns, U.S. electric blanket manufacturers now sell blankets that claim to generate no harmful electromagnetic radiation.
Although these “zero magnetic field” blankets reduce or eliminate magnetic fields, they may still generate electric fields.
In my opinion, even minimal exposure poses an unnecessary risk, especially for children, pregnant women, people who are chronically exposed to EMFs from other sources, and those with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS).
Safe Alternatives to Your Electric Blanket
  • Flannel sheets
  • An extra blanket
  • Wear socks, or even a hat, to bed
  • A hot water bottle
If you insist on using an electric blanket, turn it on before bedtime and leave the room while it warms your bed. Before you retire for the night, turn off the blanket and unplug it in order to eliminate EMF exposure.

Medical Director of Swiss Clinic Takes Brave Stand on the Hazards of Electromagnetic Pollution

electromagnetic fields, EMFDr. Thomas Rau, medical director of the world-renowned Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland, says he is convinced ‘electromagnetic loads’ lead to cancer, concentration problems, ADD, tinnitus, migraines, insomnia, arrhythmia, Parkinson’s and even back pain.

At Paracelsus, cancer patients are now routinely educated in electromagnetic (EM) field remediation strategies, and inspectors from the Geopathological Institute of Switzerland are sent to patients’ homes to assess EM field exposures.

Dr. Rau says one strategy to consider for those experiencing ‘electrical sensitivity’ is to remove the electromagnetic hot spot in your head created by the presence of metal fillings. Fillings can act as antennas in the presence of cell phones and cell towers, wi-fi networks, portable phones, and other sources of radio frequency radiation.

Beneficial bacteria also grow more slowly in the presence of electromagnetic fields, so aggressive supplementation with probiotics may help those exposed to EM radiation.

Electrical sensitivity is a sometimes debilitating experience created by the disregulating effects of electromagnetic fields. It has been linked to many acute and chronic illness conditions, and is a serious emerging public health issue.

Cancer Institute Warns of Cell Phone Risks

cell phone dangers, cellular, cancer, radiation, radio waves, radio frequency, cancer institute, brain, EMFThe head of a prominent cancer research institute has issued an unprecedented warning to his faculty and staff: Limit cell phone use because of the possible risk of cancer. The warning came from Dr. Ronald B. Herberman, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute. Herberman says his warning is based on early unpublished data. He argues that people should take action now -- especially when it comes to children."Really at the heart of my concern is that we shouldn't wait for a definitive study to come out, but err on the side of being safe rather than sorry later," Herberman said.
Dr. Mercola's Comments:

“Although the evidence is still controversial, I am convinced that there are sufficient data to warrant issuing an advisory to share some precautionary advice on cell phone use,” says Dr. Herberman. I couldn’t agree more. As far as I’m concerned, the signs that we’re looking at a major public health problem are overwhelming. 
Tumor immunologist Dr. Ronald B. Herberman, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, is the last in a recent succession of authorities that are speaking out publicly about the potential dangers of cell phones.  
Dr. Herberman’s complete article, which was sent out with his advisory, includes a summary analysis of the recent studies that form the basis of his decision to issue precautionary measures. It also includes this illustration, showing just how much higher the absorption rates are in a 5- and 10-year old’s brain versus that of an adult. It’s an impressive visual, showing how electromagnetic radiation can penetrate almost straight through the entire brain of a 5-year old child! 
To date, several countries including France, Germany and India have issued recommendations to limit your exposure to electromagnetic fields. Additionally, Toronto’s Department of Public Health is now advising teenagers and young children to limit their use of cell phones, to avoid potential health risks, which I reported on just last week. 
Another noted brain cancer authority who has recently voiced his concerns is Australian Dr Vini Gautam Khurana. He is a Mayo Clinic-trained neurosurgeon with an advanced neurosurgery Fellowship in cerebral vascular and tumor microsurgery. In February 2008, Dr. Khurana issued a paper titled:  Mobile Phones and Brain Tumors after 14 months of independent research, reviewing more than 100 sources of recent medical and scientific literature.   
Says Dr. Khurana, “In the context of the fact that widespread mobile phone usage commenced in the mid-1980s (earliest in Northern Europe), with the first 10 years of widespread usage ending in the mid-1990s, and the fact that solid tumors may take several years to trigger and form, it seems plausible to expect that if no appropriate changes are made by Industry and consumers alike, in the next 5  - 10 years the aforementioned concerning associations will likely bedefinitely proven in the medical literature.”  
He goes on to say: “Given the calculated “incubation time” and the commencement of mobile telephony’s mass deployment in Sweden, it is no surprise that Swedish researchers were among the first to report a positive association between cell phone use and brain tumor risk.” 
Will Political Lobbying Cost You Your Health, or Perhaps Even Your Life?
Not only are there companies making lots and lots of money off of cell phones, who will do their best to spread misdirection, spin, and outright lies. But the government agencies, which are in theory there to protect you, have also entered into mutually profitable “partnerships” with the very businesses they are supposed to regulate, meaning there is very little real regulation going on. 
In 2007 alone, the telecommunications industry spent almost $250 million on political lobbying. Over the past decade, they have spent a grand total of nearly $2.4 billion.
Folks, please understand – there are NO agencies “out there” protecting you from these dangers. No one’s looking out for your health, aside from the occasional brave scientist or physician who dares to rattle the status quo.
  • The FDA is Bought and Paid For -- In the United States there are no less than three regulatory agencies that arguably have jurisdiction over cell phones. The first is the FDA, which is responsible by law for regulating any device that emits radiation. But over the past few decades, a series of changes in government policy have for the most part prevented the FDA from being the watchdog organization it was designed to be; these days, it exists mostly to give an imprimatur of government approval to industrial products.

    Starting in the mid-1980’s, various industries lobbied Congress to pressure the FDA into speeding up the approval of new drugs and products. Congress was reluctant to pour more money into the organization, so instead they came up with a novel plan: creating a “partnership” between the FDA and the industries it was intended to regulate.

    Now, the FDA collects “user fees” from companies, which have grown to account for a significant chunk of the agency’s overall budget. In other words, the FDA now receives corporate sponsorship from the very industry that it aims to regulate. They have been transformed from a corporate watchdog into a customer of those same corporations. They do very little regulating as a result, since they want to keep their “partners” happy.
  • The EPA is Now Powerless -- The EPA has responsibility for any building or factory that emits radiation into the environment, such as a cell phone tower. In the early 1990’s, they planned to start regulating these towers.

    But the vast telecommunications industry used its lobbying resources to get a highly self-serving provision inserted into the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Since 1996, a cell phone base station is defined as a radiation emitting “device” rather than a building. Since they are now defined as devices, the EPA has lost its authority to regulate them.
  • The FCC is Bought and Paid For, AND Has No Power! -- Another result of the Telecommunications Act was to put nearly all regulatory power over cell phones in the hands of the Federal Communications Commission, or FCC. But the FCC is charged only with overseeing the fair and equitable use of the electromagnetic spectrum. They are not a regulatory agency with regard to health, the environment, or consumer safety. They have no regulatory authority to protect you.

    Even if they could, they most likely wouldn’t; like the FDA, they are making a great deal of money off of their corporate “partners”. The supposedly “public” electromagnetic spectrum is auctioned off to companies by the FCC.

    What’s more, after the dot-com crash of the late 90’s, many technology companies who had purchased the wavelengths found themselves strapped for cash. They owed money to the FCC, and no longer had any way to pay it. So the FCC cut a deal: they took a small percentage of the owed money as a down payment, and then agreed to collect the rest as the cell phone companies earned money from consumers. 

    Essentially, the FCC is a mortgage holder for the mobile phone industry.

    The FCC now actually has a vested interest in the rapid deployment of technology and build-up of the industry, so that they can collect the rest of their money. They are not going to make any efforts to block anything the industry wants. 

    This is a classic case of the fox guarding the henhouse. 
This Must Change, and it Will 
Still, despite these obstacles, the truth is coming out and these outspoken heroes in the medical community are evidence of that. The more doctors come on board, the more people will be convinced. You as well, can help by convincing your family, your friends, and your colleagues. 
In the meantime, take steps to protect yourself. Getting rid of your cell phone altogether can help. But even if you don’t want to take go that far, you can still minimize your exposure and reduce your risks, and the risks to your loved ones.
Practical Advice to Limit Your Exposure to Dangerous Radiation
There are many simple precautions that you can take to reduce your exposure to information-carrying radiowaves and the electromagnetic radiation emitted from your cell phone – both of which are hazardous to your health. Here are my best guidelines: 
  • Children Should Never Use Cell Phones: Barring a life-threatening emergency, children should not use a cell phone, or a wireless device of any type. Children are far more vulnerable to cell phone radiation than adults, because of their thinner skull bones. 
  • Reduce Your Cell Phone Use: Turn your cell phone off more often. Reserve it for emergencies or important matters. 
  • Use A Land Line At Home And At Work: Although more and more people are switching to using cell phones as their exclusive phone contact, it is a dangerous trend and you can choose to opt out of the madness. 
  • Reduce or Eliminate Your Use of Other Wireless Devices: You would be wise to cut down your use of these devices. Just as with cell phones, it is important to ask yourself whether or not you really need to use them every single time. If you must use a portable home phone, use the older kind that operates at 900 MHz. They are no safer during calls, but at least they do not broadcast constantly even when no call is being made. 
  • Use Your Cell Phone Only Where Reception Is Good: The weaker the reception, the more power your phone must use to transmit, and the more power it uses, the more radiation it emits, and the deeper the dangerous radio waves penetrate into your body. Ideally, you should only use your phone with full bars and good reception. 
  • Turn Your Cell Phone Off When Not In Use: As long as your cell phone is on, it emits radiation intermittently, even when you are not actually making a call. 
  • Keep Your Cell Phone Away From Your Body When It Is On: The most dangerous place to be, in terms of radiation exposure, is within about six inches of the emitting antenna. You do not want any part of your body within that area. 
  • Use Safer Headset Technology: Wired headsets will certainly allow you to keep the cell phone farther away from your body. However, if a wired headset is not well-shielded -- and most of them are not -- the wire itself acts as an antenna attracting ambient information carrying radio waves and transmitting radiation directly to your brain. Make sure that the wire used to transmit the signal to your ear is shielded.

    The best kind of headset to use is a combination shielded wire and air-tube headset. These operate like a stethoscope, transmitting the information to your head as an actual sound wave; although there are wires that still must be shielded, there is no wire that goes all the way up to your head.

Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)

What is the Definition of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)?

All electric currents produce two kinds of fields - electric and magnetic - but their effects are different. Electric fields are easily blocked by metal or other shielding, but magnetic fields penetrate most materials and so are more likely to reach the human body.

Description of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)

From the time you slap the snooze button on your alarm clock to the time you click off the bedside lamp at the end of the day, you are bombarded by invisible electric and magnetic fields. These fields are everywhere; they emanate from household appliances and cellular phones, from the high-voltage power lines strung outside your home, and from deep within the earth itself.
All electric currents produce two kinds of fields: electricand magnetic. Scientists do not know how electromagnetic energy actually affects cells and tissues in plants, animals or people. Scientists say that the strength of electromagnetic energy most people are exposed to is low when compared to other forms of radiation, particularly the kind produced by radioactive materials. Nuclear radiation can rip through cells with the power of a cannon ball striking plate glass, sometimes causing cancer. Electromagnetic energy produced by electrical equipment is much less powerful, striking the same glass window with the force of a flea.
All electrical devices produce some form of electric, magnetic or electromagnetic fields, but not all at the same frequency (a measure of how rapidly fields change with time). Each frequency may be distinct in terms of potential effect. A partial biological response or effect may result from exposures to one frequency but not others. In other words, one cannot assume that an effect or problem seen on one region of the electromagnetic spectrum will occur in some other region.
It is well known that overexposure to x-rays and ultraviolet radiation, both very high in the spectrum, pose health risks by breaking chemical bonds in cellular molecules. Current research indicates that EMF fields are unable to break such bonds.
A recent study stated that on the basis of a review of all available childhood brain cancer studies, there was no support for an overall association between EMF and childhood brain cancer. Another study concluded that although there is much debate and controversy surrounding the effects of low intensity electromagnetic fields and radiation, there is no convincing evidence to suggest that exposure to the fields commonly encountered in the environment will cause any significant adverse health effect in humans.
With regard to users of mobile telephones, current evidence fails to support the existence of well-defined bioeffects from exposure to radio-frequency radiation.

What Questions to ask Your Doctor About Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)?

Are there any proven risks to EMF exposure?
What about during pregnancy? and for infants?


Part 1: Microwave Phones - Are They Killing Us?
As a scientist researching into microwave weapons used on the general public, evidence that the GM900 microwave network as used by Vodaphone and British Telecom, is a major health hazard, has come to my attention. Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents entitled Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves) Eurasian Communist Countries, show that microwave frequencies similar to those of the cellular phones can cause health problems in the following areas:
  • Blood
  • Cardiovascular System
  • Cells
  • Central Nervous System
  • Digestive System
  • Glands
  • Metabolism
  • Reproduction
  • Visual system
  • Internal sound perception

Equipment to test the frequency and intensity of microwave phones shows that they produce signals similar to microwave ovens. Two Vodaphone cellular phones were producing 100mW/cm2 and 50mW/cm2 respectively. The danger level for microwave ovens is 5mW/cm2 and the Russians regularly used 10mW/cm2 for weapon research. These Vodaphones will therefore cause significant health problems if used. A variety of cell phones can be tested to see how dangerous they are.
The GM1800 system used to Orange uses higher frequency microwaves. Australian scientists found this caused cancer in mice exposed to radiation of this type. The documents in my possession show that microwaves pass deeply into the body and can have a negative effect on the brain and body.
The DIA research dates from 1976 and shows that the dangers were known about over 20 years ago. The Soviets used the frequencies and intensities used by mobile phones, 1800 MHz and 900 MHz, as weapons. It is a rule of the intelligence community that you hide things in plain view; getting the public to accept microwave control weapons which affect their behaviour under the guise of mobile phones was a stroke of genius. Getting the public to pay for these microwave mind control devices, so their brains and behaviour could be damaged, to make them more docile and easy to control, was pure diabolical genius.
Part 2 : UK Intelligence Forces and Microwave Mind Control
Microwave weapons that turn people into stressed, confused and submissive zombies are being used in Britain's inner cities. Developed by the communists, microwave weapons similar to microwave ovens have since the 1980s, been targeted on inner city council estates. These weapons transmit extremely low frequency (ELF) signals which mimic natural brain waves. At the flick of a switch, all the people around these microwave transmitters are turned into submissive zombies who cannot think clearly, become depressed, apathetic and want to lounge around all day doing nothing: the inner city malaise found on Britain's streets. With the advent of new ELF detectors designed by the author's research teams, the mass mind control of the metropolitan UK population can be proved. ELF signals are officially found only at nuclear submarine communication stations, so the researchers were shocked to find microwave and UHFv mind control signals in city centres, the author's flat, being sent through mobile phones, the BT telephones and from the numerous transmitters that dot the country.
The massive increase in mobile phones has enabled the U.K. security forces to use this network of transmitters to beam mind control signals into the brains of anyone living near these transmitters. Microwave phones use pulse modulated microwaves of the correct intensity to pass through the skull into the brain and control behaviour. Microwave transmitters are therefore the perfect medium for the transmission of ELF signals to mind control the U.K. population.
Researchers are of the opinion that the inner city riots of the early eighties forced the Thatcher regime to deploy ELF mind control devices developed in the seventies to turn the working class housing estates into total policing zones. In these zones, ELF transmitters turned the inhabitants into docile zombies. So successful was this technology that it was expanded to cover all major towns. Mass mind control of the UK public to make them submissive and obey authority was expanded, hand-in-hand with the mobile phone network and military and police microwave transmitters. Now the entire London conurbation is covered by UHF and microwave carrying mind-numbing ELF.
Research into the use of microwave weapons and their use for mind control began in the 1950s at the Tavistock Institute, one of Britain's leading psychiatric research establishments. The UK institute was researching into ways of mind controlling the British population without them knowing. The monkey submission response, whereby the dominant monkey caused submissive behaviour in the underlings, was the brain state of most interest to British scientists. Having found this specific brain rhythm for docile submissive, zombie-like behaviour, it was then recorded and used as the template for the ELF signal beamed on UK microwave transmitters. Britain was the first discoverer of microwave technology, used for radar, in the 1940s and therefore had a commanding lead over everyone else in this field.
The 1970s brought a darker side to the story, with the news that the Russians were microwaving the US embassy in Moscow. One third of the staff eventually died of cancer from this microwave irradiation. Australian scientists proved in 1997, that tiny amounts of microwave produced by the very safest mobile phones, cause cancer in mice, when exposed to this radiation. Greenham Common was the first time that the Ministry of Defence was involved in the offensive microwaving of women protester's, the so-called Greenham Common Women. This event showed that the UK security forces were willing to use lethal doses of microwave radiation on large groups of the general public.Equipment showed that the woman peace protestors were subject to high levels of microwave radiation, some of them have subsequently died of cancer. Northern Ireland would have been a perfect proving ground for mass mind control technology. Research at the Tavistock Institute enabled the Thatcher government to put into large scale use, the frequency which causes submission in humans. Radiating this ELF frequency on microwave transmitters, cellphones, BT phones and by use of other transmitters, the inner city population can be behaviourally controlled. My research group have ELF detectors, which can prove all manner of UK transmitters are being used to mind control the population. Since ELF is not found naturally, and is only used for nuclear submarine communication, its presence proves mind control weapons are being used on the general public. The author also has access to scientific documents showing the devastating effects of ELF broadcast by microwave, UHF and VHF on humans.
It is alleged that Marconi put this microwave technology into full scale production, and around 30 scientists and military personnel on the project who began to ask questions committed "suicide" under mysterious circumstances.
My research has found that microwave weapons are targeted on middle-class trouble-makers and researchers who cause problems for the establishment. Russian and American research has found that pulse modulated microwaves (as used for mobile phones) can, when modulated with ELF which mimics specific brain patterns change the behaviour of the victim at the flick of a switch. It has been found that UK security police, such as MI5 use the 450 MHz frequency used for this research (legally allowed to be used by the police) for behavioural control. A vast catalogue of mind control frequencies in the MHz range, FM radio, TV and mobile phone frequencies, have been measured, which are used in the UK for mind controlling and killing or disabling victims: 147, 153, 197, 199, 447, 453, 456, 466, 853, 883, 884, 887........... Symptoms can be depression, befuddled thinking, loss of memory, stress, not being able to cope, manic behaviour, schizophrenia, nervous breakdowns, physical collapse, brain and nervous system damage, heart attacks, cancer…
An example was a Brighton police van, parked outside the Brighton Pavilion which was used to beam UHF and microwaves at vagrants to clear them from the area. All Brighton's city centres are bombarded with microwaves when vagrants congregate to make them so ill that they have to flee. The Evening Argus newspaper asked the police if the white van which was parked in the pavilion grounds for months, was their van, they replied it was one of their surveillance vehicles. On Wednesday, February 4, the author was passing the Brighton Police station with a frequency counter which detects microwave weapons, and I detected a 452 MHz microwave beam being directed at two young offenders sitting on a wall opposite the station. I confronted the police with the reading, Robert Galloway, spokesperson for the police stated, "they were not interested in microwaves even if they were a danger to health." The author has uncovered widespread use of microwave weapons in Brighton by the police and MI5 as a test programme to clear vagrants from the city centre.
Contacting researchers in this field of enquiry, they all complain of microwave-like symptoms, headache, nausea, giddiness, eye damage, ear problems…Readings I have taken show that the 750-1000 MHz range is used by the intelligence services for inducing nervous and physical collapse. Microwave ovens give off 1000MHz.
On the Channel 4 programme, For the Love of…New World Order, shown on Monday night at 12pm on April 6, the author revealed some of these facts on television. The presenter, and researchers of this programme complained of severe headaches in the days preceding filming symptomatic of microwave attack. As the foremost non-military expert on microwave weapons, remote viewing (psychic spying) and Psi-warfare, the author became aware of the microwave problem when he was targeted to stop his forthcoming book on remote viewing being released. This book on psychic spying, published by Century Books, is the first book by a scientist on the subject of Psi-warfare and the techniques the superpowers developed.
Subsequent to the filming of the Channel 4 programme, he was arrested by Brighton Police on February 15 outside their building and his frequency counter was confiscated to stop him recording the use of microwave weapons around the station and in public places around the town, even though no law was broken. It appears Brighton Police are worried that their use of microwave weapons on Brighton's vagrants is coming to light. The UK government has also bought up all the readily available frequency counters, these being the Watson FC-128, and the Optotronic devices, and the manufacturers now market a modified model, which most probably has a digital filter so that the microwave weapon frequencies given above, cannot be shown. The author's frequency counter has still not been returned. With such high-level manipulation of events it seems that microwave mind control is part of a secret policy which is being practised on the general public in this country. As part of a covert government policy of harassing and disabling critics, this means of attack is not covered by the law and highly deniable, the perfect intelligence device for civilian control. The author's flat is targeted with a 900MHz beam which seems to be designed to cause massive neurological damage and produce tumours

The BT phone network has the potential to be used for docilisation of the UK public. A 30-40MHz signal is carried by the phone. When the earpiece is placed against the head, bone conduction carries the ELF component into the brain of the phone user. A ELF signal which can affect behaviour or health is therefore passed into all BT phone users. It appears from experts I have consulted on the subject that the digital phones have been designed to carry this mind control carrier frequency. Vodaphone have supplied a mobile phone to a friend of mind that pumps out an 847MHz signal at over 100mw/cm2 - this is equivalent to 4x100 watt lightbulbs being turned on in the body of the user. This means that mobile phones can potentially be used to kill or so disable a person they no longer become a problem to the establishment. Another Vodaphone tested pumped out 50mw/cm2. UK safety levels for microwave ovens are 5mw/cm2 - which are not held near the head. There are reports by military researchers that 1mw/cm2 will cause swelling of nerve cells exposed to microwave.
It is obvious that a total policing of the population by means of UHF, VHF and microwave EM radiation, among others, is being used to keep the UK population in a docile and submissive mental state. Mental confusion can also be added to the signal for working class inner city areas to keep them docile and confused. A land of stultified zombies, who are mind controlled to make them docile and unable to think clearly. Subversives are habitually targeted with microwaves to drive them mad or make them fatally ill.
On July 4, 1976 seven giant transmitters in the Ukraine, powered by the Chernobyl nuclear facility, pumped a 100 megawatt radio frequency at the West, which contained a 10 Hz ELF mind control frequency. According to a US scientist, Dr Andrija Puharich, MD, the soviet pulses covered the human brain frequencies. With a Dr Bob Beck, he proved that the Soviet transmissions were a weapon. He found that a 6.65 Hz frequency would cause depression and an 11Hz frequency would cause manic and riotous behaviour. Transmissions could indeed entrain the human brain, and thereby induce behavioural modification such that populations can be mind controlled en masse by ELF transmissions. More importantly, he found that an ELF signal could cause cancer at the flick of a switch. It did this by modifying the function of RNA transference's so that amino acid sequences are scrambled and produce unnatural proteins.

Extremely Low Frequency Transmitters

Extremely Low Frequency Transmitters (or ELF) was the Navy’s attempt at commutating with submarines though Extremely Low Frequencies. Putting millions of watts of electricity into the ground to make low frequency waves, which submarines can pick up.

The ELF program was started during the Cold War and was designed to launch a nuclear attack, although it was never used. It worked by getting power from Wisconsin’s power plants and three Commins diesel 1000-kilowatt phase power generators that would supply up to three million watts of power to the system. With the power that was from the Wisconsin power plants, a series of electric units put the power into extremely low frequency waves down to 3 to 30Hz which can penetrate sea water, and land. ELF’s were also virtually unscramble and would travel for hundreds of miles

In the 1950’s when it was found out that extremely low frequency waves could cut through sea water it was thought by the government that they would use this for nuclear submarine communication and so they started testing it, although other kinds of ELF were tested such as SHELF which stands for Super Hard Extremely Low Frequency Transmitters, or SEAFARER which stands for Surface ELF Antenna For Addressing Remotely Employed Receivers, But ELF system we have today consists of a two transistor sites with above ground wires.

Some health effects were found from ELF, such as cancer. Up to 40 studies have been done on it and all of them have found a link to ELF putting out hazardous waves that can cause cancer and brain tumors. In 1984 ELF was shut down because of these health affects but was reopened.

Even though ELF was never used in a nuclear attack it could a been like many weapons in the cold war it could of caused lots of damage. ELF’s health affects and the cost to run it eventually caused it to almost be shut down, protests and other affects in 1999 almost shut it down again but is still thought to be running today.

Extremely Low Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields

Powerlines, electrical wiring and common appliances (electric blankets, televisions, hair-dryers, computers, etc) all produce extremely low frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields.
  • What are ELF electric and magnetic fields?

ELF electric and magnetic fields occupy the lower part of the electromagnetic spectrum (PDF 382kb) in the frequency range 0-3000 Hz. ELF electric and magnetic fields result from electrically charged particles. Charged particles in motion are referred to as the electric current and the force that makes the charges move is the electric potential or voltage. The electric field is produced by the voltage whereas the magnetic field is produced by the current. The properties of ELF electric and magnetic fields are described in detail in the World Health Organization’s Environmental Health Criteria 35 Extremely Low Frequency Fields.

  • How are ELF electric and magnetic fields measured?

Measurements of ELF electric and magnetic fields are performed in order to characterise emissions from sources and exposure of persons or experimental subjects. The strength of the electric field is measured in units of volts per metre (V/m). The strength of the magnetic field is measured in units of amperes per metre (A/m) but is usually expressed in terms of the magnetic flux density measured in units of tesla (T) or microtesla (μT). Another unit, which is commonly used to measure the magnetic field is the gauss (G) or milligauss (mG), where 1 G is equivalent to 10-4 T (or 1 mG = 0.1 μT).

  • How are people exposed to ELF electric and magnetic fields?

ELF electric and magnetic fields are produced by both natural and artificial sources. Naturally occurring ELF fields are associated with atmospheric processes such as ionospheric currents, thunderstorms and lightning. artificial sources are the dominant sources of ELF fields and are usually associated with the generation, distribution and use of electricity at the frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. Powerlines, electrical wiring and common appliances (electric blankets, televisions, hair-dryers, computers, etc) all produce ELF electric and magnetic fields.

The widespread use of electricity means that people are exposed to ELF electric and magnetic fields in the home, in the environment and in the workplace. Residential exposure to ELF fields depends on many factors, including the distance from local power lines, the number and type of electrical appliances in use in the home, and the configuration and position of household electrical wiring. Electric fields around most household appliances and equipment typically do not exceed 500 V/m and magnetic fields typically do not exceed 150 μT (1500mG). Exposure in the workplace can vary. Workers who maintain transmission and distribution lines, for example, may be exposed to very large electric and magnetic fields. Within generating stations and substations electric fields in excess of 25 kV/m and magnetic fields in excess of 2 mT (20,000 mG) may be found. Office workers are exposed to very much smaller fields when using equipment such as photocopying machines and video display terminals. Typical residential and occupational exposures to ELF electric and magnetic fields are listed by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in the US.

  • What are the effects of exposure to ELF electric and magnetic fields?

Current evidence suggests that, apart from stimulation arising from electric charge induced on the surface of the body (eg electric shock) there is no other evidence that exposure to electric fields is a health hazard. Whether exposure to magnetic fields is equally harmless remains an open question. A large number of scientific studies performed on animals and cells have not found a health risk. Some epidemiological studies, however, have suggested a weak link between intense and prolonged exposure to magnetic fields and childhood leukaemia. Health effects related to ELF fields are described further in the ARPANSA fact-sheets Electricity and Health and Magnetic & Electric Fields From Power Lines.

  • How can I reduce my risk from exposure to ELF electric and magnetic fields?

The National Health and Medical Research Council issued Interim guidelines on limits of exposure to 50/60 Hz electric and magnetic fields (PDF 365kb) in 1989. These guidelines are aimed at preventing immediate health effects resulting from exposure to these fields. ARPANSA is currently developing a Radiation Protection Standard for ELF fields in the frequency range 0 – 3 kHz.

Extremely Low Frequency Radiation/Power Lines

Everyone is exposed to a complex mix of electromagnetic fields (EMF) of different frequencies that permeate our environment. Exposures to many EMF frequencies are increasing significantly as technology advances unabated and new applications are found. While the enormous benefits of using electricity in everyday life and health care are unquestioned, during the past 20 years the general public has become increasingly concerned about potential adverse health effects of exposure to electric and magnetic fields at extremely low frequencies (ELF). Such exposures arise mainly from the transmission and use of electrical energy at the power frequencies of 50/60 Hz.
Electromagnetic fields consist of electric (E) and magnetic (H) waves traveling together. They travel at the speed of light and are characterized by a frequency and a wavelength. The frequency is simply the number of oscillations in the wave per unit time, measured in units of hertz (1 Hz = 1 cycle per second), and the wavelength is the distance travelled by the wave in one oscillation (or cycle).
ELF fields are defined as those having frequencies up to 300 Hz. At frequencies this low, the wavelengths in air are very long (6,000 km at 50 Hz and 5,000 km at 60 Hz) and, in practical situations, the electric and magnetic fields act independently of one another and are measured separately.
Electric fields arise from electric charges. They govern the motion of other charges situated in them. Their strength is measured in units of volt per meter (V/m) or kilovolt per meter (kV/m). When charges accumulate on an object they create a tendency for like or opposite charges to be repelled or attracted, respectively. The strength of that tendency is characterized by the voltage and is measured in units of volt (V). Any device connected to an electrical outlet, even if the device is not switched on, will have an associated electric field that is proportional to the voltage of the source to which it is connected. Electric fields are strongest close to the device and diminish with distance. Common materials, such as wood and metal, shield against them.
Magnetic fields come from the motion of electric charges, that is, a current. Their strength is measured in units of ampere per metre (A/m) but is usually expressed in terms of the corresponding magnetic induction measured in units of tesla (T) or millitesla (mT). In some countries another unit, called the gauss (G), is commonly used for measuring magnetic induction (10,000 G = 1 T). Any device connected to an electrical outlet, when the device is switched on and a current is flowing, will have an associated magnetic field, the strength of which is directly related to the current drawn from the source. Magnetic fields are strongest close to the device and get lower with distance. Most common materials do not shield them.
Naturally occurring 50/60 Hz electric and magnetic field levels are extremely low, on the order of 0.0001 V/m and 0.00001 microtesla (μT), respectively. Human exposure to ELF fields is primarily associated with the generation, transmission, and use of electrical energy, for example, power lines. Electrical energy from power-generating stations is distributed to communities via high-voltage transmission lines. Transformers are used to lower the voltage for connections to residential distribution lines that deliver the energy to homes. Electric and magnetic fields underneath overhead transmission lines may be as high as 12 kV/m and 30 μT respectively. Around generating stations and substations, electric fields up to 16 kV/m and magnetic fields up to 270 μT may be found.
Electric and magnetic fields in homes depend on many factors, including the distance from local power lines, the number and type of electrical appliances in use in the home, and the configuration and position of household electrical wiring. Electric fields around most household appliances and equipment typically do not exceed 500 V/m and magnetic fields typically do not exceed 150 μT. In both cases, field levels may be substantially greater at small distances but they do decrease rapidly with distance. 
In the workplace, electric and magnetic fields exist around electrical equipment and wiring throughout industry. Workers whose job it is to maintain transmission and distribution lines may be exposed to very large electric and magnetic fields. Within generating stations and substations, electric fields in excess of 25 kV/m and magnetic fields in excess of 2 mT may be found. Welders can be subjected to magnetic-field exposures as high as 130 mT. Near induction furnaces and industrial electrolytic cells magnetic fields can be as high as 50 mT. Office workers are exposed to very much smaller fields when using equipment such as photocopying machines and video display terminals.
The only practical way that ELF fields interact with living tissues is by inducing electric fields and currents in them. However, the magnitude of these induced currents from exposure to ELF fields at levels normally found in our environment is less than the currents occurring naturally in the body. Available evidence on the health effects of electric fields suggests that the effects of exposures of up to 20 kV/m are few and not of any health consequences. Electric fields have not been shown to have any effect on reproduction or development in animals at strengths over 100 kV/m.
There is little confirmed experimental evidence that ELF magnetic fields can affect human physiology and behavior at field strengths found in the home or environment. Exposure of volunteers for several hours to ELF fields up to 5 mT had little effect on a number of clinical and physiological tests, including blood changes, ECG, heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature. Some investigators have reported that ELF field exposure may suppress secretion of melatonin, a hormone connected with our day-night rhythms. It has been suggested that melatonin might be protective against breast cancer so that such suppression might contribute to an increased incidence of breast cancer already initiated by other agents. While there is some evidence for melatonin effects in laboratory animals, volunteer studies have not confirmed such changes in humans.
There is no convincing evidence that exposure to ELF fields causes direct damage to biological molecules, including DNA. It is thus unlikely that they could initiate the process of carcinogenesis. However, studies are still underway to determine if ELF exposure can influence cancer promotion or copromotion. Recent animal studies have not found evidence that ELF field exposure affects cancer incidence. In 1979 Wertheimer and Leeper reported an association between childhood leukemia and certain features of the wiring connecting their homes to the electrical distribution lines. Since then, a large number of studies have been conducted to follow up this important result. Analysis of these papers by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences in 1996 suggested that residence near power lines was associated with an elevated risk of childhood leukemia (relative risk RR=1.5), but not with other cancers. A similar association between cancer and residential exposure of adults was not seen from these studies.
Many studies published during the last decade on occupational exposure to ELF fields have exhibited a number of inconsistencies. They suggest there may be a small elevation in the risk of leukemia among electrical workers. However, confounding factors, such as possible exposures to chemicals in the work environment, have not been adequately taken into account in many of them. Assessment of ELF field exposure has not correlated well with the cancer risk among exposed subjects. Therefore, a cause-and-effect link between ELF field exposure and cancer has not been confirmed.
The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) has published guidelines on exposure limits for all EMF. The guidelines provide adequate protection against known health effects and those that can occur when touching charged objects in an external electric field. Since current scientific information is only weakly suggestive and does not establish that exposure to ELF fields at levels normally encountered in our living environment might cause adverse health effects, there is no need for any specific protective measures for members of the general public. Where there are sources of high ELF field exposure, access by the public will generally be restricted by fences or barriers so that no additional protective measures will be needed.
Protection from 50/60 Hz electric-field exposure can be relatively easily achieved using shielding materials. This is only necessary for workers in very high field areas. More commonly, where electric fields are very large, access of personnel is restricted. There is no practical, economical way to shield against ELF magnetic fields. Where magnetic fields are very strong, the only practical protective method available is to limit exposure of personnel.
Strong ELF fields cause electromagnetic interference (EMI) in cardiac pacemakers or other implanted electromedical devices. Individuals using these devices should contact their doctor to determine their susceptibility to these effects. Office workers may see image movement on the screen of their computer terminal. ELF magnetic fields around the terminal greater than about 1 μT (10 mG) can cause interference with the image on the screen. A simple solution to this problem is to relocate the computer to another part of the room where the magnetic fields are below 1 μT. These magnetic fields are found near cables that provide electric power to office or apartment buildings or around transformers associated with power supplies to buildings. The fields from these sources are generally well below the levels that cause any health concern.

Personal EMF detectors and meters

Detect and measure EMF from cellphone towers, power lines magnetic and electric fields, radiation from home electric devices.

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Friday, February 18, 2011

Why Electricians should check EMR?

We humans are a curious species in that we knowingly and actively place ourselves in danger despite the fact that we maybe fully aware of the risks and perils that a particular thing or event poses to us. Examples of this include the likes of unprotected sexual intercourse, the excessive consumption of fatty foods in the diet, and smoking.

Many of us seem to woefully unaware of the various risks and threats that electromagnetic radiation can pose to our wellbeing which is extremely alarming indeed given the fact that EMR poses a very serious and profound risk to our health.

Why Electricians should check EMR is a topic that any self-respecting homeowner should be aware of, although Why Electricians should check EMR is also something that a business owner should ensure that they devote some time to learning more about as well.

Electromagnetic radiation is so named by virtue of the fact that it emits and is composed of both electric and magnetic currents within it and these two different types of currents will ebb and flow from one another. As they do so, a potential by product of this action on their part is an electrical current which will then automatically pass through any conductor that is within the reach of the radiation.

This in turn directly creates a risk of electrocution which in turn places both animals and humans at the risk of suffering an electric shock and or burn dependent on the intensity of the electrical current that is passing through the conductor.

Thankfully, the actual voltage required to inflict a direct shock to a human or animal is fairly high. However, this does not mean that we can risk becoming complacent and the reason for this is that the electrical current produced by EMR is also fully capable of damaging and affect highly sensitive electrical equipment.

Dependent upon the nature and the function of the electrical equipment this can range from a mere financial headache (simply because the equipment must be replaced) to a far more serious and worrying concern such as in the instance that the equipment is used in a clinical setting.   

Why Electrical Engineers should check EMR?

Tragically, in many lines of work and employment, a person will effectively receive a salary in exchange for them providing a service of sorts; and in many cases, the employee will be exposed to a number of different risks. Whenever this topic is raised, there is a tendency among people to focus squarely on the more extreme and obvious examples of work-related risks, such as the risk of dismemberment for a lumberjack, or death and disability for a soldier in a combat based situation.

However, even electrical engineers must contend with a near daily threat to their health and long term wellbeing: electromagnetic radiation, which is commonly abbreviated to EMR. EMR has been proven to significantly increase the risk of cancer and the onset of a number of neurological based disorders and dysfunctions including the likes of Alzheimer’s, dementia and senility.

Most worrying of all is the fact that EMR is totally invisible and undetectable to the five human senses and so this has meant that because humans cannot detect directly by our own resources, this means that we have become complacent about the risks involved.

One of the major ways in which EMR poses a risk to the health of electrical engineers has been due to the fact that they emit electric fields which in turn have been proven to pose a risk of inflicting dielectric heating.
In short, dielectric heating is whereby the water retained within tissue is heated to such a high temperature that it evaporates completely thereby causing the surrounding tissue to shrink and warp. For this reason, electrical engineers who work in close proximity to the likes of antenna or a high power transmitter can suffer from very painful burns that manifest themselves both internally and externally.

Ultimately, it is electrical engineers who will be at the very forefront of developing practical and workable methods of mitigating the worst effects of EMR, so that we can finally move away from our overreliance upon such dangerous methods and technology. It is through their efforts that we can finally ensure that we can safely use our daily products.  

Tips to protect ourselves from EMR

They say that ignorance is bliss and that the man who increases in knowledge, will also increase in sorrow. This has been eloquently demonstrated by virtue of the breakthroughs in science that have now allowed us to be better informed and more aware as to the inherent dangers caused by, and associated with, radiation .

Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is now finally being recognised by health agencies and government bodies across the world as being a serious public health issue, and so, slowly but surely there are steps being taken to adjust and remedy the situation. Unfortunately, the progress that they may make is extremely slow indeed and this is caused by a variety of reasons although it would be fair to say that the root cause of these interferences are all related to cost issues.

The following is intended as Tips to protect ourselves from EMR.
  1. Minimise your exposure to EMR. Instead of using a cathode ray tube based computer monitor, make use of the new, more energy efficient and safer LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) monitors as the level of EMR they emit is minimal.
  2. Use Ethernet cables for your internet access as opposed to the wireless cards/routers.
  3. When using a computer, whether it happens to be at home or at work, make sure that you sit a minimum distance of 6 metres AWAY from the computer.
  4. Refrain from using a microwavable oven to cook: make use of a conventional oven or other, alternate means of cooking the food you eat.
  5. Using a EMR detector, measure the level of radiation that each of your electrical appliances emit. Some electrical appliances are still capable of emitting the harmful EMR radiation rays even when they have been turned off, if this is indeed the case, then you may wish to turn these off and unplug them to keep you safe.
  6. Severely limit and restrict your exposure to cell phones. Specifically, keep the device turned off for as long as possible, and ensure that you only ever use it in actual emergencies.
  7. If you are purchasing or renting residential property, ensure that it is as far away from a phone mast as possible.