Saturday, February 12, 2011

Electromagnetic Pollution | EMF Pollution

Why is EMF a pollutant?

Electromagnetic pollution (or EMF pollution) is a term given to all the man-made electromagnetic fields (EMFs) of various frequencies, which fill our homes, workplaces and public spaces.

When we call something in our environment a pollutant, we are implying that it is somehow harmful to nature and to ourselves.

There is plenty of scientific evidence to support the idea that some types of electromagnetic radiation are harmful to us and to nature. To view some of it, see
EMF Health Effects.

The whole spectrum

The electromagnetic spectrum includes several different classes of radiation: low frequency, radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet light, x-rays and gamma rays.

Wave frequency is what differentiates one class of radiation from another. See our page
Electromagnetic Spectrum if you want to know more.

When we refer to electromagnetic pollution, we are generally speaking of frequencies below (oscillating slower than) visible light waves.

Of course, x-rays and gamma rays (which oscillate faster than visible light) are highly dangerous, but we have not filled our homes and workplaces with these rays. We knew they were dangerous - so we've been careful.

What other kinds of EM waves are dangerous?

We didn't realise that low frequency electromagnetic radiation (including the 50/60Hz frequency commonly used for power supplies) was dangerous to our health, so we've not been very careful about that.

And although we knew that radio and microwave energy was dangerous at high intensity (for example inside your microwave oven), we thought it was safe at lower intensities. It now appears we were wrong about that.

Electromagnetic pollution - Little and often

Not surprising really. Think about sunlight. We always knew it was dangerous at high intensity (sunburn) but we've only recently realized that there may be long-term dangers from frequent, prolonged, but less-intense exposure (skin-ageing, wrinkles and skin-cancer).

Well, it's exactly the same with radio and microwave energy, and with low-frequency radiation too. Low intensity over a long period (generally several years) still takes its toll.

How thick-skinned are you anyway?

Unfortunately, some of these waves don't get absorbed by the skin (as sunlight does.) They penetrate.

Some of them penetrate 12" concrete walls. Don't think they'll have any trouble with your skin - nor even your bones!

That's why this kind of energy can cause health problems anywhere in your body.

So where does all this EMF pollution come from?

Unfortunately, electromagnetic pollution is all around us. Here's a short list of the main culprits:
    • cell (and other mobile) phones
    • computers and related equipment
    • electrical appliances (including TV's)
    • electronic equipment
    • cell phone masts
    • radio and TV transmitters
    • microwave ovens
    • house-wiring
    • high and low voltage power lines
    • information networks
    • cars, motor cycles, buses, trains, planes.
Practically every new invention adds to the pollution. In fact, collectively, we've all been adding to EMF pollution for over 100 years. The rate of increase is rising exponentially.

Electromagnetic pollution has now reached the critical level at which it can seriously damage your health.

Electromagnetic Pollution Solution

On this website, many pages deal with just one source of electromagnetic pollution. But when you read them, don't forget the big picture. It's the sum of all these EMF pollutants that creates the health hazard .

If your house is next to a cell phone tower, it's easy to become fixated on that. But that tower may only contribute 40% of your total exposure. Work on the other 60% too.

This problem is not too big to be solved. It's true that fixing the world's EMF pollution is a big challenge, requiring coordinated efforts by all kinds of organisations.

EMF Pollution - Call to action!

But solving your own personal EMF pollution problem is usually much easier than you expect. Especially if you deal with it sooner, rather than later (and before your health is compromised.)

Electromagnetic radiation health effects you must know

Before understanding electromagnetic radiation health effect to your body, you must know how body cells function.
In your body, there is subtle electrical activity similar to electric circuits. This electrical activity controls vital bodily functions such as growth, metabolism, thought and movement.
Body electrical currents are as critical to the well being of human body as the flow of blood. Disturbance in this electrical network can be devastating to the correct and effective functioning of all organ systems, especially the brain. It may even harm your health and lead to development of cancer and other diseases.

In other words, you are fundamentally electromagnetic beings. Tiny electrical currents exist in our body due to chemical reactions. It occurs as part of our normal bodily functions, even in the absence of external electric fields.
For example, nerves relay signals by transmitting electric impulses. Most biochemical reactions, from digestion to brain activities, go along with the rearrangement of charged particles. Even your heart is electrically active.
Voltages build and fluctuate, electric currents course through arteries, veins and across capillary walls. In the process, white blood cells and metabolic compounds are drawn into and out of surrounding tissues.
This electrical system "works to balance the activity of internal organs and in the case of injuries, represents the very foundation of healing process". (Bjorn E.W. Nordenstrom, MD in the 1983 medical book, Biologically Closed Electric Circuits: Clinical, Experimental, and Theoretical Evidence for an Additional Circulatory System)

A sensitive system

Your bodies are thus sensitive electromagnetic systems that run on millivolts. In other words, we are in reality a bioelectric machine. And your body also generates electromagnetic field. In fact, all living things such as humans, animal and plants generate EMF.
The basic nature of your body is frequency. Therefore, exposure to external frequencies from natural surroundings can easily cause you to pulse to the wrong beat. Even extremely small external charges far below the threshold of awareness can affect your body system and health.
Research shows that when you are exposed to one consistent external frequency for more than a few minutes, your body's ability to run its own electrical circuitry at optimum efficiency is disrupted.
Immediate effects can result from direct exposure to electromagnetic field strengths at levels well above those typically found in your living environments. Intense magnetic fields for example, can cause nerve and muscle stimulation, and intense electric fields can stimulate your hair.

What can happen to your health

Your bodies are sensitive to even weak electromagnetic radiation. For example, low frequency electromagnetic radiation can affect your body's circadian rhythms. It affects the production of melatonin hormone, which is produced by brain's pineal gland. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates the biological rhythms of mammals.
Research done at Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs has documented that prolonged exposure to electromagnetic radiation causes reduced melatonin secretion. Reduction of melatonin level threatens your health and can result in psychiatric disorders like depression, shortened attention span and inability to sleep.
Decreased melatonin production can also increase the permeability of "blood-brain barrier", leaving you even more vulnerable to chemicals toxic effects.
Blood-brain barrier is a kind of safety barrier Nature has provided you to prevent dangerous molecules from entering the brain and causing damage.
How blood-brain barrier protects you
When you are exposed to chemicals that find its way inside your bodies, two protective mechanisms are utilized. Melatonin neutralizes the free radicals (cancer-causing agents) created by the chemicals. And the blood-brain barrier prevents chemicals from entering the brain and spinal cord.

Exposure to electromagnetic radiation breaks down the blood-brain barrier and hinders this protective mechanism. It will also affect the permeability of cell membrane of your nerves, blood vessels, skin, and other organs.
The intricate chromosomes DNA has also been shown to be affected by electromagnetic field. And iron, necessary for healthy blood and is stored in brain, is highly affected by electromagnetic radiation too.

Health hazards

Both strong and weak electromagnetic radiation emitted from any electrical or electronic equipment will interact with and affect human body's own weak electromagnetic fields. Therefore, it interferes with your body's natural healing processes and produces all sorts of health hazards.
As explained above, you are easily affected by electromagnetic radiation because throughout your body, every biochemical process involves precisely choreographed movement of electromagnetic field - sensitive atoms, molecules, and ions.
Medical information suggests that there may be links between prolonged exposure to electromagnetic radiation and health problems especially cancer, nervous disorders and birth defects.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Learning to live with EMF

Magnetic field caused by current
Illustration courtesy of the National Institute of Environmental Health SciencesSponsored by NIEHS/DOE EMF RAPID Program
In this section we will explain the three acronyms listed above and what they mean to you and everyone under your roof and your care. EMF stands for Electrical and Magnetic Fields. These fields are present and surrounding your electrical devices every day. We will spend nearly all of our time talking about the magnetic part of the acronym in conjunction with ELF or extremely low frequency in which our incoming electricity works at. When voltage is applied to a circuit like our earlier AC lamp circuit with the wall switch and the wall switch is in the off position there are no electrons moving through the wire. With the light switch off a physical gap is formed inside the switch that the electrons cannot jump over. In this instance, we wind up with having the first and last part of the acronym EMF only, or just EF. Electrons not in motion, but where voltage is present, create a field around the device called an electrical field. An electrical field by itself has very little reach away from the device causing it and is very easily block by nearly anything. However, when the wall switch is turned on allowing current to flow throughout the circuit, the second half and most dangerous part of the acronym EMF comes into play and that is MF or magnetic field. Magnetic fields that are generated around devices with ELF, or extremely low frequencies, are suspect in the development of childhood leukemia. In the United States the Center for Disease Control (CDC), along with the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, has spent decades testing and monitoring extremely low frequency magnetic fields. A specific group of individuals make very good test subjects, and those are the people working on our electrical transmission lines and within the electrical power plants and neighborhood sub stations. They are exposed to these fields for long periods of time at distances close enough for full exposure. High voltage linemen have commented that when climbing these very tall transmission poles you can feel the itching on your body long before nearing the top. The magnetic fields generated around those 100 thousand volt lines made it feel like ants were biting you all over many linemen reported. Late in 1972 or early 1973 special grounding straps were tied to the linemen’s ankles, then affixed to the ground wire on the pole, to help alleviate the biting sensation by funneling off the induced voltage their bodies were storing. For a short time it was even thought best to be brought to the hospital to receive an EKG after receiving a hefty shock while on the pole. Not a shock from the power lines as that would have killed them quite easily, but a shock from touching a piece of hardware on the pole, giving an easy path for the stored up electrons in their bodies to discharge. Although the High Voltage crews saw the stinging shocks from the induced voltage irksome, there is a much more serious side to these magnetic lines of force and that is where we are headed next.  
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) defined EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation) in one of their fact sheets as waves of electrical and magnetic energy radiating out from an electrical device,. The frequency of the waves is dependent on the device itself. One point worth making very clear is that the kind of radiation we are talking about is non-ionizing radiation. This means that this kind of radiation is unlike x-ray or gamma radiation and cannot alter chemical makeup in a human body. Although non-ionizing radiation is not strong enough to alter atoms, it can be strong enough to heat up human tissue. Our power line radiation, cell towers, radio waves and microwaves are all non-ionizing. For individuals wearing pacemakers, the location of EMR devices such as microwaves and even cell phone use is very important. Thankfully, the tools to detect these waves are available at a cost that is affordable.  
Studies have been going on for years on the potential health hazards of EMF; mostly in the ELF range. As you will recall our high voltage transmission lines as well as all household voltages are in the extremely low field range of 60 hertz. A correlation between childhood leukemia in families living in close proximity to transmission lines surfaced many years ago. However even now, after years of testing, conclusive scientific evidence in which results can be repeated in test after test is not available. However, the scientific community does recognize that too many instances of childhood leukemia have occurred in homes within close proximity to these high tension power lines to be considered coincidence. Once again it is the magnetic radiation as opposed to electrical radiation that has the attention of the experts due to the magnetic radiations long reach from point of the magnetic field itself. 
Electromagnetic Radiation is not a subject you often hear about and for good reason, it is invisible. That’s right, invisible. Just the same as the electricity that enters our homes, lights our way, cooks our food, heats our house and does our laundry. We all know that electricity is real even though it is invisible, and we all know that it can kill you if handled in an unsafe manner. Electromagnetic Radiation is a byproduct of the huge amounts of electricity needed every day and night by us the consumer. We will now take a look into RF and MW – Radiofrequency and Microwave.
Electromagnetic Radiation:  Radiofrequency (RF) and Microwave (MW) 
I believe it is time now to discuss another form of radiation that may have implications far exceeding our discussion on electrical magnetic fields. Radiofrequency and microwave radiation most often represented in scholarly papers as RF/MW, are at the other end of frequency ranges. Remembering that our main focus so far has been on electrical frequencies between 50 hertz used in Europe or 60 hertz used in the United States we will shift our attention to electromagnetic radiation which falls within the range of 3 kilohertz to 300 gigahertz. RF(Radio frequencies) are found in the 3khz range to the 300mhz range whereas MW (Microwave radiation) is in the 300mhz to 300ghz range. The United States of America under its Department of Labor has a very active department many of us a aware of called OSHA. OSHA, stands for Occupational Safety and Health Administration and has been in the business of keeping people safe on the job has taken a leading role in RF/MW. On one of the many topics addressed by OSHA in detail are the possible biological effects of radiation from radio’s, cell phones, microwaves, and a number of other devices and practices within the workplace. 
The time has come that self monitoring of our exposure to these well documented radiations is in our hands. We can no longer walk blithely around our work or house or favorite mall or movie theater relying on someone else to make us aware of possible dangers. Some of the people most at risk of these radiations are those using medical devices inside their bodies such as pace makers. Haven’t all of us seen the sign made out of a sheet of white paper using a black magic marker to warn these heart patients that something dangerous to them is just inside. Think about it, a supervisor told one of his/her underlings to get something written up quickly to place in the break room to cover themselves because they heard OSHA was going to inspect them today. Out comes the blank paper and the indelible magic marker and they write, “Caution, microwave in use”. 
Even if you don’t wear a pacemaker it should make you angry and the more you think about every food kiosk in the mall you pass with no signs visible should make you angrier still. Protect yourself. Don’t rely on others to keep you safe. Carry an unobtrusive meter in your pocket or purse and let it warn you when you are too close and in harms way.  
Cell phones and cordless phones are just two of the many devices that fall under radio frequency electromagnetic fields. Please don’t rely on the cell phone companies to inform you of possible dangers. Radio frequency electromagnetic radiation is a part of our everyday life; all of us talk on the phone, watch television and use the microwave. How much is too much when it comes to this type of radiation and our health. Does your microwave leak? What about all of the video games hooked to our televisions with our children just feet away sometimes for hours on end? How many new parents have wondered about the thickness of their babies still thickening skull and how much easier it may be for harmful radiation to penetrate? There are precautions that you can take, you can find out what is a safe distance away from devices emitting radiation; the safety devices for your use are just a click away.  
We are determined to answer all of your questions about Electromagnetic Radiation and along the way; we will make you aware of other potential problem areas in and around your house. The tools to keep you safe from these invisible fields of radiation are available. The experts are right here. Contact them and let them help you in keeping your family safe. 

Cornet ED25G

Cornet ED25G Electrosmog EMF meterCornet ED25G ---- $109 (free shipping)
Digital LF/RF EMF meter
Unique, handy tool for your personal Electromagnetic wave exposure detection and level measurement. Highly sensitive and Accurate indicators for your defense on both RF and LF radiation pollutions. 

  • Mobile phone base station radiation power density safety measurement. 
  • Telecommunications(CW,TDMA,GSM,DECT). 
  • AC power line, Transformer radiation. 
  • RF power measurement for radio transmitters. 
  • Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) detection, installations. 
  • Spy camera, wireless bug finder. 
  • Cellular/cordless phone radiation safety level. 
  • Microwave oven leakage detection. 
  • Electric and magnetic field measurement. 
  • Personal living environment EMF safety. 
  • Dual operation mode: RF power meter mode and LF Gauss meter mode. 
  • Frequency range: 100MHz - 3GHz (RF meter), 50Hz - 10KHz (Gauss meter). 
  • Super Wide dynamic range: 60dB(RF meter). 
  • High sensitivity: –55dBm to 0dBm (RF meter), 1mG - 500 mG (Gauss meter). 
  • Peak power density measurement 1.5uW/m2 to 0.58W/m2 (auto scale). 
  • LCD digital Histogram and bar-graphics for RF level and Gauss level display. 
  • Analog RF(AM,FM) and High speed digital RF(GSM,TDMA,,CDMA, Wi-Fi,WiMAX). 
  • Both AC Magnetic field and RF Electrical field measurement. 
  • Small, compact handheld design, 65mmx130mm. 
  • Battery operated (9V DC).

Trifield 100XE

Trifield 100xe emf/elf meterTrifield 100XE ---- $149 (free shipping)
Magnetic/Electric/RF field meter
Trifield ® Meter measures all three types of electromagnetic field: AC magnetic field, AC electric field, and radio (including microwaves). The magnetic and electric detectors are 3-axis, making the meter easier to use than comparable 1-axis meter.

This meter is the only one which combines magnetic, electric, and radio/microwave detectors in one package.

  • Detects the three type of electromagnetic pollution: AC magnetic fields, AC electric fields, and radio/microwaves.
  • AC magnetic and electric fields are 3-axis, allowing quick accurate readings regardless of meter orientation.
  • Two magnetic ranges cover 0.2-100 milligauss.
  • This is sufficiently sensitive to detect the background field almost anywhere (except for from civilization), while measuring up to very strong AC fields.
  • Electric range covers 5-1000 V/m (or .5-100 kV/m with original version of the Trifield Meter)
  • Radio/microwave covers 10 to 1000 microwatts/square cm which includes the maximum permissible public exposure levels in all countries.
  • Operates about 40 hours on replaceable standard 9V battery, has a low battery indicator.
  • Analog (needle-type) display has very fast response time compared to digital. (However, AlphaLab also manufactures digital meters).
  • Measures AC (artificial) magnetic fields rapidly. (Does not measure DC of static fields, such as the Earth Field. Click here for other magnetic meters).
  • Measures AC electric fields rapidly, such as from overhead power lines or improperly grounded equipment. Can locate wiring in walls (using the 100XE version).
  • Measures major RF/microwave sources such as leakage from microwave ovens, or the field near cell towers. (Note that wireless internet transmitters and individual cell phone are designed to emit very little power and usually are well below international RF exposure threshold. Consequently, the Trifield Meter will only detect these it very near the source.)
AC Magnetic Fields:(3-axis; shows true magnitude)
Frequency Range:40 Hz – 100 KHz (see frequency weighting)
Accuracy @ 60 Hz (50 Hz):+/- 20% of reading
Range/Resolution (@ 60 Hz or 50 Hz):100 milligauss / 0.2 milligauss
Standard Version Frequency Weighting: 
*Sensitivity is proportional to frequency from 40 Hz to 500 Hz; flat from 500 Hz to 2000 Hz
*Sensitivity is inversely proportional to frequency from 2K Hz to 100K Hz
Flat Frequency Version:+/- 20% from 50 Hz to 500 Hz; inverse frequency above 500 Hz
AC Electric Fields:(3-axis; however, note that E-field is affected by the body position)
Frequency Range:40 Hz – 100 K Hz (see frequency weighting)
Accuracy @ 60 Hz (50 Hz):+/- 30% of reading
Range/Resolution:1000 V/m / 5 V/m (Original Version: 100 KV/m / 0.5 KV/m)
Frequency Weighting:Same as magnetic (above).
Frequency Range:50 MHz – 3000 MHz (3 GHz)
Range/Resolution:1 mW/cm2 / 0.01 mW/cm2
Accuracy:½ x to 2 x of reading
Meter Size:5.0 x 2.6 x 2.4 in (129 x 67 x 62 mm)
Weight:8 oz
Battery:9 volt alkaline (~ 40 hour life) / "Low Battery" indicator

Tenmars TM-192

Tenmars TM-192Tenmars TM-192 ---- $189 (free shipping)
3-Axis magnetic field meter

  • MAX/MIN/AVG reading.
  • Switch between the display of micro-Tesla and milli-Gauss is available.
  • Data hold (HOLD)
  • Maximum and Minimum (MAX/MIN) Hold.
  • Low battery indication.Overload indication.
  • Auto range.
  • Auto power.
  • Real time clock with calendar.
  •  Tripe LCD display to show X, Y, Z axis readings and the average reading (X+Y+Z) / 3. 
  • An electromagnetic wave simply means the wave motion of the electromagnetic field (EMF).
  • Measuring extremely low frequency (ELF) of 30 to 2000Hz.
  • It is capable of measuring the electromagnetic field radiation intensity that is produced from electric transmission, equipment, lower line, microwave oven, air conditioner, refrigerator, computer monitor, video/audio device and so forth.
  • The magnetic field unit is Tesla (T) , Gauss (G), milli-Gauss (mG) or icro-Tesla (uT).
  • 1 T=10,000 G, 1uT=10 mG, 1 G=1,000 mG
  • Display: 4 digits LCD, maximum reading 9999.
  • Range: 20/2000 mG, 2/20/200uT.
  • Resolution: 0.1/1 mG or 0.001/0.01/0.1 uT.
  • Frequency response: 30Hz to 2000Hz.Sensor: Triple Axis.
  • Accuracy: +/- (2.5%+5dgt) at 50Hz/60Hz, +/- (5.0%+5 dgt) at 30Hz~2000Hz.
  • Sample rate: 2.5 times per second.
  • Battery: 9V NEDA 1604, IEC 6F22 or JIS 006P.

AC Milligauss Meter Model UHS

AC Milligauss Meter Model UHSAC Milligauss Meter Model UHS ---- $259
(free shipping)3-Axis / 1-Axis ELF VLF magnetic field meter
A digital gaussmeter for precise measurement of AC magnetic field.

This meter measures AC magnetic field in a wide frequency range of 13 Hz to 75 kHz (75,000 Hz). The frequencies include most ELF (that is, frequencies below 1 kHz) and VLF (above 1 kHz) magnetic fields. The meter measures the true 3-axis magnitude of the AC field. Two other more specialized measurements can also be performed: 3-axis VLF-only (1kHz – 75 kHz) to measure the strength of higher-frequency fields, and 1-axis full bandwidth (13 Hz – 75 kHz) to determine the principal direction of the AC magnetic field. These specialized measurements are selected by the knob labeled "TYPE OF MEASUREMENT". A "RANGE" knob allows a wide range of field strengths to be measured—from .01 to 1999 milligauss.
Most measurements will be performed with both knobs turned to the left-most position. This setting is for measurement of true magnitude of magnetic field at the widest range of frequencies (ELF + VLF) up to a strength of 19.99 milligauss. If the field becomes stronger than 19.99, most of the display will go blank except for a "1" at the extreme left. This indicates over-range. Then switch the left-side switch to 199.9 (or 1999 if the 199.9 setting still shows over-range).

Quick Start Instructions:
Flip the power switch (on right side) upward. Turn the two knobs to the left-most position (19.99 and 3-AXIS ELF + VLF). This will read the 3-axis magnitude of the magnetic field in milligauss (RMS equivalent). Avoid rapidly rotating or rapidly tipping the meter; this causes some additional signal to be picked up from the earth's magnetic field. The additional signal will be gone as soon as you stop moving the meter. This effect will be obvious once you start using the meter. If the display shows a number "1" on the left side with no other numbers, it is over-range. Then switch the left knob to the 199.9 or 1999 range.
If the right-side knob is set to 3-AXIS VLF, the meter will generally read much lower, or zero; this setting reads only the higher-frequency magnetic fields (1,000Hz - 75,000 Hz), and not the full bandwidth (13 Hz - 75,000 Hz) that is read in the "3-AXIS ELF + VLF" setting. The third position of the right-side knob is 1-axis only, but at full bandwidth (13 Hz - 75,000 Hz). It measures magnetic field only in one axis: the direction that corresponds to the thin axis of the meter.
When the battery becomes low, an additional decimal point (on the left side) will be displayed. Slide off the back door of the meter to replace the standard 9-Volt battery.

Full Length Instructions:
This meter is designed to do precise measurements of AC magnetic field in a wide frequency range of 13 Hz to 75 kHz (75,000 Hz). The frequencies include most ELF (that is, frequencies below 1 kHz) and VLF (above 1 kHz) magnetic fields. The meter measures the true 3-axis magnitude of the AC field. Two other more specialized measurements can also be performed: 3-axis VLF-only (1kHz – 75 kHz) to measure the strength of higher-frequency fields, and 1-axis full bandwidth (13 Hz – 75 kHz) to determine the principal direction of the AC magnetic field. These specialized measurements are selected by the knob labeled “TYPE OF MEASUREMENT”. A “RANGE” knob allows a wide range of field strengths to be measured—from .01 to 1999 milligauss.
Most measurements will be performed with both knobs turned to the left-most position. This setting is for measurement of true magnitude of magnetic field at the widest range of frequencies (ELF + VLF) up to a strength of 19.99 milligauss. If the field becomes stronger than 19.99, most of the display will go blank except for a “1” at the extreme left. This indicates over-range. Then switch the left-side switch to 199.9 (or 1999 if the 199.9 setting still shows over-range).
To use the meter, slide the power switch (on right edge) upward. With both knobs at their left-most position, the display can read up to 19.99 milligauss. You’ll notice that if you suddenly rotate the meter or tap it, the display will read higher for a fraction of a second. This is caused by the Earth magnetic field, which is about 500 milligauss DC. Normally a DC (non-oscillating) field will not be detected by this meter; however, any motion (tipping the meter or tapping it) will modulate this DC field, creating a temporarily-changing field, which will be detected. The effect is especially noticeable in this very sensitive 19.99 range. To avoid this false signal, keep the meter body stable and always oriented the same way in space as you walk along making measurements. For example, if the meter is vertical and the slide switch on the side is pointing, let’s say, northwest, then you should keep the meter always vertical with the power switch side pointing northwest, as you walk along. While rotating or changing orientation of the meter, the reading will usually be higher than it should be, but the reading will return to the correct value as soon as you stop rotating it. The meter will also read a higher level if it's being moved near magnetized metal.
If the “TYPE OF MEASUREMENT” switch is set to its center position, the meter will read 3-axis VLF fields (at frequencies of 1 kHz and higher). Generally in video displays and fluorescent lights a large percentage of the fields are at these higher frequencies. Please note three factors when measuring these higher frequencies: 1) These VLF measurements should be less than (or at most the same as) the measurement obtained when the knob is set on its left-most position of “3-AXIS ELF + VLF”. In most areas, the VLF (with knob set in center) will be very low or zero; at most it will never be more than the reading obtained when the RANGE knob is switched to “3-AXIS ELF + VLF”. In other words, VLF alone is never more than ELF + VLF. 2) The center position of that knob is slightly sensitive to 60 Hz fields, even though it is supposed to reject frequencies below 1 kHz. The rejection is 400:1. That is, if there is a field of 400 milligauss that is exclusively at 60 Hz, the VLF (center) position of the knob will yield a (false) reading of 1.0 milligauss. Similarly a 200 milligauss field at 60 Hz will yield a false VLF field of 0.5 milligauss. 3) If the reading on ELF + VLF (left position of knob) is too high, the VLF reading may not be correct when the RANGE knob is set at a lower number for the VLF reading. Specifically, if the ELF + VLF (left side) reading is more than 40 milligauss, do not do a reading of the VLF-only (center position) with the RANGE switched back to 19.99. Instead, use the 199.9 RANGE. Similarly, if the ELF + VLF is higher than 400 milligauss, continue to use the 1999 RANGE when you switch to VLF. Otherwise, the VLF reading may be falsely low.
When the “TYPE OF MEASUREMENT” switch is set to the 1-AXIS position (right side), the meter reads ELF + VLF but in only one axis. The direction of this 1-AXIS is the same as the “thickness” dimension of the meter (as opposed to the left-right “width” or up-down “height” that are the conventional definitions of width and height, with respect to the writing on the front label). This 1-axis sensor is just behind the center of the black panel that’s on the top surface, or “roof” of the meter. The 1-AXIS measurement can be used to determine the direction in which the field is strongest; unfortunately, this does not exactly correspond to the direction (or the position relative to the meter) of the field source. The direction of strongest field can give you some information about the direction of the field source, as per the convention developed by Edward Leeper.
For your reference, the other two magnetic sensors are 1) on the extreme right side of the meter’s “roof” (This is the position of the sensor in the up-down direction.), and 2) the extreme left side under the “roof” (The position of the left-right sensor). Generally, if you are very close to a field source, these three sensors will be at three different distances from the field source, and as a result, the reading will be strongly dependent on the angle at which you hold the meter. For field measurements more than about two feet from the source, this angle dependence is minimal.
Accuracy: This meter has a typical error of +/-3% of the reading in the frequency range 45 Hz to 5 kHz. At certain measurement angles and certain frequencies in the 3-AXIS modes, the error may be as high as +/-7%. That is, a reading of 10.00 milligauss means the field is as high as 10.70 or as low as 9.30, but most of the time the actual field will be between 10.30 and 9.70 (this is in RMS units). Note that this accuracy specification is for sine waves in the very wide frequency range of 45 Hz to 5 kHz. Other manufacturers of digital 3-axis meters only specify the accuracy for 60 Hz sine waves. (Those types of meter will generally have significant additional error above 100 Hz; typically there is 5-10% additional error due to change in sensitivity at other frequencies, making a total error that exceeds 10% above 100 Hz. Because of advanced high-frequency detection circuitry, the model UHS does not have this problem). If you're measuring a signal that is simultaneously stronger than 100 milligauss and higher frequency than 10 KHz, some additional inaccuracy may occur. (It may read either too high or too low). An unusual generator with both a high frequency and high power output is required in order to produce this type of magnetic field. You'll know that this is a problem if, as you approach the strong field source, it eventually exceeds 1000 milligauss both on ELF + VLF and on VLF. The meter works by measuring the absolute value of the AC field strength in 3 axes (or 1 axis), and then finding the time-average of that absolute value. That time-average is then scaled so that a sine wave reads in RMS units. Sensitivity is down to ½ at the frequency limits 13 Hz and 75 kHz. In the 3-AXIS 1 kHz - 75 kHz (VLF) setting, maximum error is +/-7% of the reading at 5 kHz, and half sensitivity is 1 kHz and 75 kHz.

Is this Invisible Product of Technology Harming You?

Electromagnetic Fields and Electromagnetic Radiation
Although many people don’t realize it, a significant amount of human function depends on very subtle electrical currents and electromagnetic fields that are naturally generated by the earth and our own bodies. Electromagnetic fields have a significant influence on our cells, and in turn, the function of critical organs and glands. Unfortunately, many of our modern technological innovations are bombarding us with an alarming amount of unnatural electromagnetic fields that can interfere with these functions and have a significant impact on our health without us even realizing it.

Our heart and brain are just two examples of critical organs that are influenced by electromagnetic fields. In fact, it can be said that every aspect of human function is impacted in some way by electromagnetism, and it doesn’t take much for such an impact to occur. Considering the tremendous amount of electromagnetic radiation that’s produced by modern technology, this is a significant concern.
A Basic Explanation of Electromagnetic Fields
Electromagnetic fields are in my opinion one of the most complicated and difficult to understand subjects relating to our health. However, considering the tremendous impact that they can have, it’s important to at least have a basic understanding of electricity and magnetism.
An electric field exists between any two objects that have a difference in charge. If these objects are connected with some type of conductive material, the difference in charge will produce a current of electrons or ions that will flow from one object to the other. Similar to the concept of an electric field, a magnetic field exists between the north and south poles of a magnet. However, even without magnetic material, the mere existence of electrical current produces a magnetic field. In combination, the electric and magnetic fields make up what is known as an electromagnetic field which produces waves of energy called electromagnetic radiation.
Just as electrical current creates a magnetic field, changes in a magnetic field create current. As such, wherever there’s electrical current, there will also be a magnetic field, and wherever there’s a changing magnetic field, there will also be current. In either case, the result will be an electromagnetic field that produces electromagnetic radiation. Anything that uses electricity or produces a wireless communication signal will produce an electromagnetic field. Some common examples include appliances, electronics, power lines, cell phones and cell towers, and radio broadcasting.
Electromagnetism and the Human Body
Some of the amazing research done by Dr. Robert Becker, an expert in the field of biological electricity and regeneration, has proven that small electrical currents travel throughout the human body, particularly through nerve fibers. Based on this, we also know that the body produces its own electromagnetic fields which have been shown to be an important part of its natural communication system and have a significant influence on our physiological function.
Because the earth is a giant magnet, it produces a natural magnetic field which happens to protect us from the sun’s most intense and deadly radiation. Because this radiation causes the earth’s magnetic field to continuously change, it produces a significant amount of electrical current which leads to the creation of an electromagnetic field. This electromagnetic field is constantly changing as well and is a part of nature that many forms of life have become dependent upon, including us. In fact, it’s believed that the earth’s changing electromagnetic field is the basis of our circadian rhythm.
The amazing navigational abilities of many animals, especially birds, are dependent on the earth’s magnetic field. Trees and plants are directly influenced by this natural field as well. The pineal glands of many vertebrates, including us, have been found to contain a magnetic substance called magnetite. Because this substance is very responsive to electromagnetic fields, this discovery has led many experts to believe that the pineal gland is primarily what allows the brain and the rest of the body body to be influenced by external fields. The pineal gland produces a number of important hormones and neurotransmitters including melotonin, serotonin, and dopamine which have a significant influence on sleep, immunity, and mood. As such, electromagnetic fields can have a tremendous impact on these aspects of wellbeing, and in turn, lead to significant health consequences.
Unfortunately, much of the technology that exists today produces a tremendous amount of electromagnetic radiation, and the majority of this radiation occurs in frequencies and intensities that have never existed in nature. This can affect all life on earth in more ways than most of us realize. The magnetic polarity of the earth has reversed a number of times throughout history, and each reversal has been associated with major extinctions. It’s believed that we’re currently approaching another reversal and it’s quite possible that we’ve initiated it ourselves through the advent of modern technology and the tremendous amount of unnatural electromagnetic radiation that it’s introduced to the atmosphere.
A Constant Source of Stress
Most people think of stress as mental frustration, but it’s really much more than that. A wide variety of influences, both physical and mental, can invoke the physiological stress response which impairs restorative functions such as immunity and digestion in favor of energy production and anything else that will help us survive what the body perceives as a threat to survival. Although the immune system is initially suppressed by stress, it becomes more active than normal once the stress dissipates. As such, chronic stress can overstimulate the immune system on a regular basis and result in weakened immunity and an increased susceptibility to infection and disease. It can also overwhelm the adrenal glands and lead to adrenal fatigue.
A number of animal studies have shown that electromagnetic fields of varying frequencies and intensities can invoke the stress response. This may very well be the case for us as well. Although we many not feel it, the electromagnetic radiation that we’re exposed to on a daily basis could be putting our bodies in a continuous state of stress.
Impaired Sleep and Immunity
Sleep is when the body makes the most effort to recover from the considerable amount of damage and strain caused by the chaotic pace of modern life and the unhealthy characteristics of the typical modern lifestyle. The hormone melatonin facilitates this repair by provoking the body to fall into a deep and restorative sleep. Melatonin is also a strong antioxidant that supports our immunity by protecting us from free radical damage and contributing to the destruction of cancer cells.
Electromagnetic fields have been shown to suppress melatonin production, most likely by influencing the function of the pineal gland. Because of the importance of sleep and immune function, this can greatly increase the risk of a number of health issues including cancer. In addition, electromagnetic fields can impair immune function directly, and as mentioned earlier, can also impair it by causing chronic stress. In combination, these effects have a tremendous potential to weaken the immune system considerably.
Mental Dysfunction
By associating the occurrence of magnetic storms with the behavior and admittance of psychiatric patients, Dr. Robert Becker was able to find a convincing correlation between mental function and disruptions in the earth’s natural electromagnetic field. Dr. Jose Delgado, a Spanish neurophysiologist, took this a step further by showing the ability to manipulate the behavior of both animals and humans with the targeted use of electromagnetic radiation. Based on these findings, it’s evident that electromagnetic fields have the potential to increase the risk of mental dysfunction. Even more frightening is the possibility of electromagnetism being used for the purpose of mind control which the military is believed to be actively researching.
Serotonin, dopamine, epinephrine, and acetylcholine are some of the more prominent neurotransmitters that can have a significant influence on mood and behavior. In addition to the levels of these neurotransmitters being closely related to diet, research has shown that they can also be impacted by electromagnetic fields. Imbalances of these neurotransmitters can cause depression, apathy, fatigue, violence, and even lead to suicide.
Flawed Cell Division, Cancer, and Birth Defects
Cell division is one of the most basic functions of life, but is an extremely important process that our health depends on. At any given time, many of our trillions of cells are dividing to produce replacements for old cells. If this process is compromised in any way, the results could be disastrous.
Cell division is a particularly important part of human reproduction. Unfortunately, electromagnetic fields have been shown to damage both the reproductive germ cells of parents as well as developing embryo cells. This damage is associated with infertility, birth defects, and abnormal development. As such, electromagnetic fields are a significant concern with childbirth regardless of whether it’s the parents or the child that’s exposed.
One of the most notorious effects of impaired cell division is the occurrence and proliferation of cell mutations and the resulting development of cancer. Numerous epidemiological studies have linked electromagnetic fields of varying frequencies and intensities to multiple forms of cancer including brain cancer, breast cancer, lymphoma, leukemia, and melanoma.
Despite the gloom associated with most research done on electromagnetic fields, some of it has been inspiring. In particular, a number of researchers have provided good reason to believe that cancer cells can be induced to dedifferentiate into embryo cells and then differentiate back into normally functioning and cancer free cells. As promising as this is, it defies modern dogma, and as such, research continues to be focused on highly toxic methods such as chemotherapy that destroy healthy cells along with the cancer cells.
The Politics of Electromagnetic Fields
It seems that many of the health risks that are characteristic of modern life are often driven by politics. The unnatural electromagnetic fields created by modern technology may very well be the most blatant and unfortunate example of this. Because electromagnetism is a very complicated subject, developing reasonable safety standards has been a considerable challenge. In fact, the American safety standards are much more lenient than those of other countries and are considered by many experts to be highly inadequate. Many industries are taking advantage of this and the government is allowing it to happen.
Our national security is very much dependent on the communication and sensing abilities that are made possible by electromagnetic radiation. Even though these defense systems may pose a threat to our health, any information that justifies such a concern presents a serious problem. Because of this, many scientists who have studied the negative health effects of electromagnetic fields have been defamed, ridiculed, and deprived of funding. In fact, it took a considerable amount of time before the U.S. government would even acknowledge the thought of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation being potentially harmful. However, as Dr. Robert Becker states, it would be very naive to assume that the military hasn’t used the harmful potential of electromagnetic radiation for the development of weapons.
While other countries, such as Sweden and Russia, have taken a conservative stance in regard to electromagnetic radiation and assumed that any type of electromagnetic field that differs from what exists in nature is likely to pose health risks, the United States has basically taken the opposite approach. As a result, we’re left with very weak safety standards and a tremendous amount of potentially dangerous exposure.
Be Informed, not Frightened
All of the health issues described above have been associated with the electromagnetic fields that are commonly produced by much of the modern technology that surrounds us every day. Among the many sources of electromagnetic radiation, this includes electrical power lines, communication signals for cell phones, broadcast signals for television, radio, and satellite, and even the appliances and electronics that we use at home and at work. Sadly, the entire planet is exposed to electromagnetic fields that have never existed in nature. Although you might find this to be quite unsettling like I do, it won’t do any good to get upset. What’s important is to is to be informed and do as much as you can to minimize your risk.
To learn more, there are three books that I highly recommend. Electromagnetic Fields by B. Blake Levitt provides a well rounded explanation of what electromagnetic fields are, how they effect us, where they come from, the politics and research surrounding them, and what we can do to avoid them.
Cross Currents by Robert Becker MD gives a thorough explanation of how we naturally depend on electromagnetism as well as the negative effects of unnatural electromagnetic fields and the research surrounding them. This book also provides an interesting discussion of the role of electromagnetism in energy medicine.
Finally, The Body Electric, also by Dr. Becker, covers in great detail the amazing research that he did on regeneration and electromagnetism. It also clearly depicts the corruption and bias that plagues modern research.

Electromagnetic Fields and Pregnancy

Electromagnetic Radiation and Miscarriage
Electromagnetic radiation is pervasive in industrialized cultures but it can’t be detected with the five senses. While there’s general agreement among scientists, and even from government agencies, that chronic exposure to high levels of electromagnetic radiation is not good for the health, investigations into its specific effects have been inconsistent. However, respected researchers have linked chronic exposure to strong electromagnetic fields to environmental illness and cancer.
A study out of San Francisco, and published in the journalEpidemiology, is worth paying attention to if you’re pregnant. D. K. Li and colleagues asked over 900 women less than 10 weeks into a pregnancy to wear a monitor for 24 hours to measure exposure to electromagnetic radiation.
When they compared exposure to pregnancy outcome, they found that those with higher peak exposures had an 80 percent increase in the risk of miscarriage. The risk was even higher among women with a history of recurrent pregnancy loss and/or infertility.
Why would electromagnetic radiation affect a pregnancy? Every cell in every living organism is surrounded by an electromagnetic field, and various parts of the body (e.g. organ systems, the brain) have their own electromagnetic field. The theory is that these fields play an important role in the incredibly rapid cell division and differentiation going on in a fetus, and that the relatively weak electromagnetic fields found in living organisms can be disrupted by exposure to stronger fields.
Most of us are exposed daily to electromagnetic radiation. Home appliances such as toasters, microwave ovens, TVs and vacuum cleaners give off very strong electromagnetic radiation when they’re on. The good news is that these fields drop off very quickly with distance—with most appliances there’s no significant electromagnetic field left at four feet away. Thus, one solution is to not stand near an appliance when it’s on if you’re pregnant (let someone else do the vacuuming!).
Another source of strong fields of electromagnetic radiation is computer screens and hard drives. Again, these drop off very quickly with distance, so the key is not to sit very close to these types of devices (not within two to three feet).
The third major source of electromagnetic radiation is faulty wiring in homes, and this is more pervasive than you might think. The only way to detect these fields is with a gauss meter, a handheld device that measures electromagnetic fields. Because faulty wiring can cause chronic exposure if it occurs near your desk, your favorite chair or your bed, for example, it’s smart to check your home for high electromagnetic fields whether or not you’re pregnant.

The Electromagnetic Spectrum : Infrared, Ultraviolet, & Visible Light, Radio Waves, & X-Rays

The Electromagnetic Spectrum - NASA
The Electromagnetic Spectrum - NASA

Electromagnetic Waves or Electromagnetic Radiation

Light, ultraviolet light, infrared light, radio waves, microwaves, X-rays, and gamma rays are all different forms of electromagnetic waves or electromagnetic radiation. But what are electromagnetic waves?
Electromagnetic waves are oscillations in electric and magnetic fields. Electric fields cause forces between electric charges such as protons and electrons. Magnetic fields cause magnetic forces such as those between a magnet and a piece of iron. Changing electric fields cause magnetic fields and changing magnetic fields cause electric fields.
In electromagnetic waves the electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to each other and to the direction the wave is traveling. Both the electric and magnetic fields are oscillating between maximum positive and maximum negative values. Because of the way changing electric and magnetic fields each cause the other type of field both the electric and magnetic fields have maximum positive, maximum negative, and zero values simultaneously. Perpendicular electric and magnetic fields oscillate and the oscillations propagate in a direction perpendicular to both fields.

Properties of Waves
To understand wave properties visualize water waves at a beach. The waves have peaks and valleys moving towards the shore. The distance between two peaks, or between two valleys, is the wavelength. The number of wave peaks that hit a swimmer standing in the water each second is the frequency. If the wave peaks are further apart, fewer will hit the swimmer each second. Hence a longer wavelength corresponds to a lower frequency.

Electromagnetic waves are similar. The distance between two points where the electric and magnetic fields have maximum positive values is the wavelength. As the wave propagates, the number of times the maximum positive value passes a particular point each second is the wave's frequency, which is measured in Hertz. For all waves the frequency multiplied by the wavelength gives the speed at which the wave travels.
Make a wave in a rope by oscillating one end of the rope back and forth. A higher frequency wave will tire you faster than a lower frequency wave. Similarly, electromagnetic waves have more energy as the frequency increases and the wavelength decreases.

What Is the Electromagnetic Spectrum?

Visible light is the type of electromagnetic radiation that the human eye can detect. Different colors of light are simply different wavelengths and frequencies. Red light has a longer wavelength, lower frequency, and less energy than blue light. The visible light spectrum in order of decreasing wavelength is: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Remember RoyGBiv.

The human eye can not detect all types of electromagnetic radiation. The electromagnetic radiation with shorter wavelength, higher frequency and more energy than violet light is ultraviolet light. Electromagnetic waves with even shorter wavelengths are X-rays and the shortest highest energy electromagnetic waves are gamma rays. At wavelengths longer than red light we have infrared light. Longer wavelength electromagnetic waves include all types of radio waves. Microwaves, AM waves, FM waves, television waves, and short-wave radio waves are examples of different types of radio waves.

Summary of the Electromagnetic Spectrum

The electromagnetic spectrum from the shortest wavelength, highest frequency, and highest energy to the longest wavelength, lowest frequency, and lowest energy is listed.
  • Gamma rays: energetic enough to damage cells and kill.
  • X-rays: enough energy to penetrate flesh and used for medical diagnostics.
  • Ultraviolet light: energetic enough to burn skin.
  • Visible light: detectable by the human eye.
  • Infrared light: feels warm on the skin as heat.
  • Microwaves: used for cooking and communications.
  • Radio waves: used for communications.

The electromagnetic spectrum

Electromagnetic spectrum

Light, or electromagnetic radiation, comes in many forms. There are radio waves, microwaves, infrared light, visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays and gamma rays, all of which form what is known as the 'electromagnetic spectrum'

The electromagnetic spectrum is subdivided into seven regions according to wavelength. Each portion of the spectrum interacts with matter in a slightly different way and is given a different name. From longest to shortest wavelength the seven divisions are:  

Radio (wavelengths greater than 0.3 metres)

Earth's atmosphere hides most electromagnetic radiation from space except visible light, certain infrared frequencies and radio waves. For this reason, we can place radio telescopes on Earth's surface and radio astronomy was the first non-optical study of radiation from space. A number of the most massive galaxies were found to be extremely powerful sources of radio waves. Radio astronomy led to the discovery of pulsars which pulse regular radio emissions.

Microwaves (wavelengths between 1 millimetre and 0.3 metres)

Earth's atmosphere begins to shield radiation from us. The most important form of microwave radiation in astronomy is called the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Discovered in 1965, CMB comes from all parts of the Universe with the same intensity. CMB became solid evidence for the 'Big Bang' theory, which predicted that the shockwave of the primeval explosion would be still detectable. ESA's Planck mission will study the CMB and thus will be seeing the Universe as it was almost at its beginning.

Infrared (wavelengths between 700 nanometres – 1 millimetre)

The primary source of infrared radiation is heat. The higher the temperature, the faster the atoms and molecules in an object move and the more infrared radiation. The first infrared space mission was IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite) which detected about 350 000 infrared sources. Later, ESA's Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) made important studies of the dusty regions of the Universe. ESA's Herschel mission will build on this work.

Visible (wavelengths between 400 – 700 nanometres)

Until 1945, most astronomy was optical. This meant studying a very small range of wavelengths. It is from these optical wavelengths that most people derive their picture of the Universe, dominated by bright stars and galaxies. Visible light is predominantly released by objects between 2000 and 10 000°C. The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has a powerful optical telescope on board which enables it to take stunning photographs in real colour.

Ultraviolet (wavelengths between 10 – 400 nanometres)

As soon as observations from above the atmosphere became possible, the classical techniques of optical astronomy were extended into the ultraviolet. The Sun and other hot objects are sources of ultraviolet radiation. In 1978, the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) was launched. IUE dominated ultraviolet space astronomy for nearly two decades. It generated spectra showing intensities at different wavelengths from selected objects in the sky. Temperatures, motions, magnetism and chemical composition are all discernible in the ultraviolet spectra.

X-rays (wavelengths between 0.01 – 10 nanometres)

Most of the observable matter in the Universe today is in a hot state, radiating short-wavelength radiation and X-rays. Massive clouds of gas at a very high temperature fill the spaces between galaxies. Whenever a new star is formed, a collapsing cloud of gas reaches temperatures sufficient for nuclear reactions to start, powering the star. Conditions in the primeval Universe were very different - with only a few pre-existing molecules and no dust available for cooling, only the most massive clouds could collapse. They would make not stars, but black holes. Theorists suspect that giant black holes may have been among the earliest objects created in the Universe and would have produced X-rays. Two ESA missions, XMM-Newton and XEUS are designed to observe these X-rays.

Gamma rays (wavelengths less than 0.01 nanometres)

Gamma rays from space are blocked by the Earth’s atmosphere – fortunately for us, because this powerful radiation is lethal. Gamma-ray telescopes in space give evidence for the processes that made the Universe habitable. When a massive star has used up its hydrogen fuel, it ends in a supernova explosion, emitting gamma rays. During this explosion, radioactive elements are formed and ejected into space, decaying or combining to form the other elements. ESA's COS-B satellite (1975-1982) created a catalogue of gamma-ray sources. ESA's Integral spacecraft, launched in 2002, takes this work forward, studying the phenomenon known as 'gamma-ray bursts'.